Saturday, December 20, 2008

Go the Cougar

When I was a young boy
I put away those young boy ways...

Alright lads, so the rain has robbed us of that elusive two-day win. Plenty of spare time to watch the bunnies in black helmets shuffle about cluelessly, or break out the swinging stocking for some practice.... (batting, Josh...). Enjoy the break, don't forget to work on that catching at the beach, and see you guys back for the first game on January 10th. Don't forget to get in touch if your plans change. 

...By the way, I reckon i've given the rest of youse enough of a head-start in the wicket taking stakes by now...

As good old Coug' himself would say

Now that i'm gettin older so much older
I long for all those young boy days...

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