Tuesday, January 27, 2009

New Signing

The University Stallions are proud to announce the signing of a M Ferrante, picked up on a free transfer from Pleasecanweoffloadthisguy FC. Ferrante will participate as an extended squad player, and is likely to struggle in Capital Soccer Div 6 where a player is expected to be able to control and pass the ball at least 30% of the time, make the odd tackle, and where shots blazing 20 meters above the cross bar are met with roars of laughter rather than consolatory pats on the back.

Ferrante will join up with his new teammates at the notoriously gruelling Stallion's preseason training 10 mins before kickoff of the first game.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Standing on the Shoulders of Giants

It was raining when we turned up at Kilbirnie Park and prospects of play looked bleak. However, the bottom of the table Easts Giants were determined to play, and seeing as their clubrooms were handy (not to mention the blackcaps match v. West Indies had already started), we agreed to evaluate the pitch at 1:30pm.


That time came and the rain had eased; however I was concerned about the water still on the bowlers run-ups. Other water under the bridge included the other 2A match, Spartans v. Roosters, which had been scheduled for Kilbirnie #1 having been abandoned. However, and to the consternation of more than a couple of Stallions, we agreed to a toss at 2:15pm with a view to starting play at 2:30pm.


I called incorrectly and we found ourselves bowling first in a 10 player 30 over-a-side match. Personally, I found myself bowling very poorly, although Matt Boa was getting the pitch to play some tricks from his end. They made a positive start, scoring at 6-7 an over for the first 15 or so overs. Through Matt Boa (2), Mike Sleyer (1) and Richard Taylor (1) we managed to pick up wickets regularly as they looked to hit out.


Prior to the game, I was concerned about my second change bowling pair, who would be Mike Butchard,who'd only bowled a few overs thus far in the season, and Andy George who was playing his second game for us this season, the last one being way back in October. Andy hadn't even made it to a single practise. But Greg, increasingly the team's Jacob Oram, was continuing to play as a batsman only (in spite of prior promises to the contrary).


I needn't have worried, both bowlers bowled brilliantly; Mike bowling the first maiden of the game, and then Andy with his astonishing hattrick. 


The hattrick, the first of which I've seen playing senior cricket, took them from 5 down to 8. As both sides had only 10 players, we only had one further wicket to take, which Mike Butchard duly managed with a well taken caught and bowled. Andy finished with 4-1-8-4, and we were chasing 130 with a required rate of 4.33.


However the batting did not start well. Tony and I struggled with the length early on; balls were either rearing off a good length or rolling, and tight lines made scoring very difficult. That said, Tony and I are accustomed to making slow starts following which we generally got on with it, so we weren't panicking. However, by the time the first 7 overs had been bowled we only had 7 on the board, and something had to give. Unfortunately it was Tony first, getting caught at mid-off; myself, Pritesh and Mike Butchard followed soon in exactly the same fashion.


With the score 30/4 in the 17th over, required rate above 8 we were in it up to our necks. Enter Greg Martin. Greg found a good way to neutralise the bounce; come down the wicket. From this stance balls disappeared to and over all parts of the boundary; at one point they had three fielders on the cover fence. Throughout Greg was ably assisted by Josh, who ran singles hard and played a wonderful supporting role. Greg's newly strapped county bat was wielded with great effect, so much so that when he was eventually dismissed for 66 we required 15 off 4 overs. Then followed a couple of anxious moments as Mike Sleyer was bowled, but Matt Boa knocked a couple of 4s and Josh smacked the winning runs straight over the bowler's head in the second to last over to secure a famous victory.


Extreme Kudos goes to Andy for his Hattrick and Greg for his batting.


Pony: Jo Harris, who didn't even turn up.


Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Screw the pink headband ...

This is what the Stallions need (Hodges probably already has a pair ...)

Great promotional video here - 'You better be quick to wear these boots' - damn, that counts most of us out. We are more likely to be the fat, angry hacks chasing down anyone game enough to wear pink books.

Question for the cricketers - why haven't you followed the culturally inappropriate, potentially homophobic, anti-tagger 'shame last week's pony by making them wear pink' approach - always good for a laugh. Pink wristbands would work well, headbands always a winnner - especially for any gingers in the team right Gus? I guess the McGragh's may have cornered the market in pink cricket wear.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Everyone hates an angry stats man ...

... and i don't mean you Greg!

Soccer stallions, remember how last season Nick G would always rock up on a Saturday with crazy bits of analysis and stats about our performances, positions, opposition etc. Always a bit of a mystery to me - but his recent rants on the YF website have provide a bit of a clue to the inner workings of that mighty football brain. Here he is chiming in with some stats and almost starting a war about who is the Phoenix's best keeper. Go on Energy24.7:

It starts on pg 3 of the MOM thread vs Newcastle Jets

He then starts his own thread with an angry emicon which is really just a self-portrait

Interesting analysis (not at all 'lumbering' as one respondent puts it) - but something was nagging away that I had heard this all before - and then it came clear - substitute Paston for Ben B and Moss for Jamie and we return to the end of last season with out goalkeeper dilemma.This is the system whereby he worked out who should play when. In this thread he almost pulls out the classic line used in the Stallions debate - Ben B has the advantage in that he does not have to keep when Ben B is in defence (in fairness that gem may have come from ben himself).

Love you work stats man, you will be missed ...