Sunday, October 5, 2008

It's On.

Right, we're on for next Saturday. 2pm, Mt Cook School, Tory Street. After match at The Southern Cross. One of you ponies needs to bring a ball if youse want to be wasted at football as well. 

For cricketers, below is the link to the season's draw. It still shows us as starting on the 25th, though it is likely to be the week after. We have two one-dayers at K Park, which is probably preferable to a two-dayer, methinks.


energy24.7 said...

I am away in Auckland this weekend so unfortunately can't make it.

Go the footballing Stallions!!!!

The Hop said...

And the excuses start rolling in...

Anonymous said...

Right. A small but elite footballing group of Stallions are ready to whip the proverbial ... A more talented team you could not dream off: me, Gus and Robin - come on Ben B or anyone else! We might have to poach G-Man to even up the numbers.

The Hop said...

Maybe we should tell Ben that we'll be bowling actual pies to him...

Anonymous said...

I hear that ben is going to put his player of the season Stallion trophy on the line ... I have no plans to release my pony of the season trophy.