Saturday, October 11, 2008

Flawless Victory

Football Stallions win by 2 wickets

5 aside football
Football Stallions win 5-1


Rauru said...

HA HA HA!!! Yes!! Come on the footballers!! What a defeat going into the new cricket season. Better amp up the troops there Graham & Greg (we could call you the GG's. We had a 'GGs' back in college. It was the name us boys gave to a group of girls. Girl Gang if you couldn't work it out. Fitting no?)

Greevis said...

To be fair Rauru, given the numbers that turned out all 'dual stallions', including myself, played for the Football Stallions, meaning that on the 'cricket stallions' side the only player with any experience of backyard was Greg.

Any backyard team that contains, the crab, the butch and myself ain't going to be easy beats...

The Hop said...

...And I bet your entrancing way with words really worked a treat with those lucky ladies...

The 'full-time' ponies present numbered two, I believe. Gus was by far the best bowler on their side, which says something. The only batsman to contribute more than a half a dozen in the whole game was yours truly... not the first time I've had to carry the batting hopes of the side- though at least these weren't the usual suspects.

Looking forward to wasting you guys in the re-match once conditions are in our favour.

Plus, the Ponies footballing skills were rather underwhelming in comparison with their 'hilarious banter'- regardless of the flukey scoreline. This despite the fact that they all reckon the team has mysteriously come on leaps and bounds in the last year or so...