Saturday, June 6, 2015

'We need to dick a team', Ok then: Stallions 5 - Tawa zip

Goals: Milky (no assist), Carrick (Paddy assist?),  Dan (Paddy assist), Oggie (Paddy assist), Rauru (assist?)

Stallion: Graham - too many good moments to pick from but a great overall game (could have been very different with that 'clearance' across the face of goal!). Great game G.

Pony - Some good contenders:
Tangihaere: no trust in the keeper/left foot (and he tried to blame Butchard for mentally scarring him about 4 seasons ago)
Logan - a terrible pass to Graham right in front of the face of goal that almost set up a 1 on1. His initial call of 'G' quickly became 'GGG-Jesus!'
Rauru - after been called offside blaming the rest for making him run too far.
Tim - The slowest substitution ever, changed boots 4 times, came on with 2 different boots.
Milky - 'is he injured, is he not'? Looked like he could not walk until the game opened up and he spritely took the ball of Lloyd's feet in front of goal, got cleaned up, took the penalty and had an all-round miraculous recovery.

And the winner is Milky, we look forward to a debut match report and headband.

1 comment:

Rauru said...

Milky assist for Carrick's (after me and Paddy were bitching at him for not passing, then he turns three players and lays off to Carrick who whips in a great finish). Who got my assist? Tim? Lloyd?