Sunday, June 14, 2015

Top of the table clash: Brooklyn 2, Stallions 1

Damn Stallions, that was a good effort. To go up against the top team in the league who thrashed us last time, without rocks Tangihaere and Lloyd, with only 12 - including '2 minute man' Heath, and push them like that was a good effort. So good, it feels like we could/should have got more out of that. We put up a great effort, but it seemed that unlike pretty much every other team in the league their defence was good, organised, strong and quick - and we couldn't make many chances. Only another perfectly executed pen from Milky to our credit, following Rauru been clattered by the keeper - Rauru was legitimately in the wars all day as opposed to just flopping around as normal (except for the one monstrosity of a dive, or was it 2?).

Goal: Milky (Rauru assist)

Not enough of a quorum for awards at the clubrooms, so get into the comments with nominations for pony and Stallion.

Meanwhile, Russian Bakky models the new all white away strip. Unbuttoned top button mandatory.


Unknown said...

Seen on the sidelines: their coach kissing the team card after Dan signed it

Seen in the side lines 2: a warm down. Wtf?

Gustona said...


- Paul saved a shot cleverly by getting a finger tip on the ball deflecting it onto his ample nose
- Rauru got the Albatross out a few times (and sounded like he had been shot every time he got tackled)
- Heath could feel his knee bleeding from the inside after two kicks of the ball (one was a shot I believe) and subbed after 7 minutes

- Graham headed a certain goal away with excellent placement on the post
- Heath, at great risk, (show up with your boots got to expect to play) started the game
- Milky ran himself into the ground and then sat on the bench for the firsts

Unknown said...

Milky and Dan immense across the middle of the park. And Rauru doing the hard yards up front with 4 players marking him.

Rauru said...

Paul for Pony surely. Going out to punch a corner and getting punched in the face by the ball instead is gold.

Graham's header off the line is surely the Stallion moment too (even though I though he has going to do a Jules and pull out the turtle!)

There was 1.5 dives. The flop to the ground towards the end (yea, yea, Bambi on Ice I believe it was called - thanks Milky) and the "Oh shit I've broken my leg but really it doesn't at all and I'm only grabbing at it to try and win a free kick in a central position but apparently it was a totally fair challenge so I'll get up and make it look like I'm really toughing it out". It wasn't a dive per se as I did get booted but I tried milking it to no avail.

Agreed, Milky and Dan did huge amounts of running in that game. Milky flew into challenges as well which was really needed in the middle of the park, but can we give him a Pony nomination for putting Tim into CM when Heath came off then giving him absolute a**holes for the next 10 minutes?! Tim up front for a cameo is one thing. Tim into CM after 10 minutes is something completely different!

To give Tim, and the rest of the D their dues though, that was a bloody good effort against that team. I'd love to have another crack at them with our full team cause I'm sure we could take them. We'll have to wait till next year in Div 3 ;)

Rauru said...

Heard on the Sidelines:

Ref: "When the keeper threw the ball to himself you guys just needed a fast striker"
Rauru: "HEY!?!"

Rauru said...

Heard on the Sidelines:

Brooklyn captain pre game: "Hey guys, welcome to Brooklyn, so glad that it's you guys that we have a top of the table clash against. Let's have a good fair and honest game"

Brooklyn forward 20 minutes in after the ball clearly comes off him and after we had called a goal kick on ourselves "Umm, ahh, huh? Uhhh, *shrug*" (Ref awards corner).

To be fair though they are largely a good bunch - they are at the back at least.

danp said...

Absolutely tremendous looking away strip!

005 said...

Ha, some good options - but it sounds like we are sorted: Graham earns himself Stallion for the second week i a row, while Paul will be wearing pink and writing match reports. Until next week!