Wednesday, June 18, 2014

What number should you choose?

With an imminent arrival of a new strip, people are furiously getting their money in so that they can reserve their number.  Some of us more creative types like to go for something a little bit more out of the ordinary.  If you, like me, are struggling to pick a number, this might help you choose your 'football' number.  I got 21, which oddly enough I was considering...

A quick Google search brings up some quality players too.  Especially that Man U superstar...


Unknown said...

Think I'm going to to for 158*, that being my highest score for the (Cricket) Stallions...

005 said...

Strange, that's why Rauru chose 21 too.

Gustona said...

You are number 43.You are most likely a cornerback or a safety. You are always the quickest people on the field and nobody gets past you. You are most likely one of the smaller guys on the field

Rauru said...

Ha! Touche Aaron.

Rauru said...

Also how many goals I'll score in an 18 game season.

T said...

I answered in two different ways and got the same number - #21

Useless - I was actually hoping for some guidance since I can't count above 20l