Friday, June 6, 2014

Battle of the socks

What a second half, a supersub 10 minute performance from Carrick, and we turn a tight 1-1 halftime game to a pretty easy 4-2 win. Nicely done.

Tom (assist Rauru? - might have to check the rules on keeper knockdowns).
Carrick x 2 (Paddy, ???)
Heath (Paddy)

Will update the assists when someone lets me know who did them.

Stallion - that goal scoring burst from Carrick is pretty irresistable, but Paddy's dual crosses which led to goals and a third as good but missed was over the top great too.

Pony - there were a couple of open goal misses there right? Anything else?


tshanley14 said...

stallion - Bakky for leading the national anthem?

Unknown said...


Raru - over the top from 3 yards.
Paddy - one on one with the keeper (sorry paddy... again)

R said...

Me - It was more like 3.5-4 yards Bakkie ;). A couple of others in there too.

Carrick - A back pass to their GK when on a hattrick. Lloyd of 2012 vs Wests at Endeavour Park would have been proud of that one.

Paul - Getting chipped when coming off his line, getting chipped when staying on his line (not really chipped in either but you get my drift). Damned if he does damned if he doesn't.

Paddy - 1-1 with keeper (said he couldn't see the ball cause the sun was in his eyes).

Paddy - Chopping down their player after a foul on him not given. Heard on the Sidelines "I thought to myself "Stuff it, I'm just gonna take a yellow" "

To be discussed at Marist clubrooms after tomorrow's game?

Re assists, that was def an assist from me for Tom's. Don't try and rob me of all my glory! I'm a striker damn it, I NEED GLORY!!

Paddy said...

I assisted Carrick's 2nd and Heath's goal but not Carrick's 1st. Might have been Heath or Rauru?

G and I could have been Pony contenders for attempting to warm up on the pitch while the early game was still going....

Or Gus for his square ball to their striker while attempting to hold onto our lead...