Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Which Sunday League Footballer Are You?

Take the quiz to find out and post your answer in the comments.  I got "The Try Hard" and Joe Allen!  Must have been cause I said I wear Puma Kings (which I don't, but the 14-year-old-boy inside me wishes I did).  I reckon Aaron will get "Orange Boy" and Victor Moses - and he'll be stoked with it.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Nick G tries to shut Rauru and his crap EPL picks and fantasy boasting the hell up

So Rauru’s gone through his picks.  And how boring are they? Chelsea (odds on), City (typical), Liverpool (bias), Arsenal (where else?), Man U (whatever), Everton, Tottenham, yada yada…
But what’s really going to happen?

Chelsea aint that good and they don’t have the depth required for the league.  Mourinho is their biggest draw card and even he won’t be able to turn these prima-donnas into champs.  Champions League has always been Mourinho’s thorn (he won it once at Inter only) and he’ll be after it again, incidentally sacrificing the Premier League.  They’ll finish second, maybe even tight third as they go deep into the Champions League - ultimately losing to 2014/15 Champs Bayern Munich along the way.

That’ll open it up for Man City unfortunately.  They still have the strength of squad and proven absolute quality in guys like Aguero and Silva.  Definitely have not hit their straps yet (shit, we’re only four weeks in), with Toure still sulking from post B’Day blues, but they have the only true class central defender in the league in Kompany and he’ll boss it all the way to the end of May 2015.  And do not underestimate Jovetic, Dzeko (my fave). Fernando and Nasri.

I actually think Arsenal will shake things up from their usual comfy fourth possie and take out third, challenging Chelsea for second.  They’ve recruited well with Sanchez and dear old Danny and won’t trip up as much as usual – Champs League won’t trouble them long, which is a good thing.  And do not let anyone tell you Ozil sucks.  The guy is absolute class and anyone that says otherwise is an idiot.  Ozil, in his best role centrally, as part of a front five with Sanchez, Ramsey, Walcott and Giroud/Welbeck would be the best AM in the league (along with Hazard, Toure and Di Maria).  It’s bloody Arsene’s fault he aint shining.  Nonetheless they’ll trouble the big teams and hammer the bad ones to be in the top three.

Man U will take the crucial fourth spot.  Sure, things haven’t started perfectly for them but why would you want to peak in September?  Van Gaal has now assembled an adequate squad, especially compared to the other contenders, and with Strootman on his way in January, defenders coming back from injury shortly and no Champions League to distract, it’ll end up being more of a question whether they get third than fifth (or lower).  Don’t let others tell you the defenders aint up to it – a back four of Shaw, Rojo, Jones and Rafael is as good as anyone in the league and that’s with a backup back four of Blind, Smalling, Evans and Valencia.  It’s all G.  Oh and here’s a wee graphic for you – check out that front 5 (along with attacking wing backs)!

Sorry, where was I?  Oh into the insignificant positions.  Well, I won’t sit on the fence with sixth – Everton will take that.  Martinez has shown what he can do over a season with a settled squad, plus he has a bit more depth this year so will threaten those top spots a little more.  
Tottenham have started well, and again have a quality manager but the Premier League’s a long season so I doubt they’ll seriously threaten the top four.

Outside of that I reckon we’ve got Stoke grinding it out (cliché number one) along with Hull and surprise package Leicester to be in the top half.

Hrmmm, feels like I’m missing someone? Ah, ha, it’s Liverpool.  Poor old Liverpool.  Fooled by the false dawn of Suarez last year, getting them to the top four.  But without him, even genius Rodgers (seriously) won’t work the miracle that’s required to get back to the glory days of old, this season.  Wonder boy Stirling will get them close to fourth but that’ll be as good as it gets.

Final posies: Man City, Chelsea, Arsenal, Man U, Liverpool, Everton, Tottenham, Stoke, Hull, Leicester.

And as for Fantasy Football – as always I took a few punts early on.  Sometimes they don’t pay off, but with form now starting to show I’ve got my team sorted along with the necessary tweaks so it’s only a matter of time until @LuxGolfToursNZ goes eerily quiet. 
Happy EPLing Stallions!

Friday, September 19, 2014

EPL picks

Right, with the window well and truly closed and internationals out of the way, here are my picks for how things are going to end up at the end of the EPL season.

1st - Chelsea.  They are looking good and I said right at the beginning if Costa can score 25+ goals they are a shoe-in.  He's looking like he's going to be able to do that (barring injury) with 7 goals in 4 games already.  I think the key man is going to be Fabregas though.  He'll put it on a plate for Costa, and Costa will do what Torres couldn't.  If Costa is out it'll be interesting to see if Remy and Drogba can score the goals, which with that midfield behind them they should be able to.  Hell, Bakky would even be able to score a few with that midfield behind him ;).

2nd - Man City.  It'll be a close run thing, and I don't think there are any real weaknesses in City's team, but I think they'll slip more often than Chelsea will (as they already have).

3rd - Liverpool.  Possibly a big call with no Suarez and Sturridge somewhat injury prone, but if Sturridge can score 20 goals then they should be sweet with Sterling and Balotelli likely to chip in with at least 10-15 each as well.  Will be interesting to see how being in CL effects them, but they have a much bigger squad that should be able to cope if they can settle and gel fast enough.

4th - Arsenal.  I actually have a feeling that they may struggle this year despite all the hype around Sanchez.  Ozil sucks and isn't going to get better, and their front like strikers are a joke.  Their midfielders have always been their strength at a lot will come down to whether they can do the scoring.  I think they'll just scrape in.

5th - Man U.  I had them picked for 6th or 7th until they signed ADM, but he might just be a key.  They've made a stack of signings and depending on how well they settle into the PL will determine how well they do.  Blind, Herrera, Rojo, ADM and Falcao have meant that Mancs are getting all hot and sweaty, but their D is so terribly bad (and this is coming from a Liverpool supporter!) that if a team manages to shut down the midfield supply to their strikers, they will concede.  While their strikers have got good names I think they'll all past it and I don't pick any of them to do the damage that is needed to get them back into CL.  It'll be a close run thing but Arsenal will pip them by 3 points.

6th/7th - Everton/Tottenham in either order.  I thought that Tottenham might have pushed for a top 4 spot this year with a more settled team and a new coach who seems good, but after getting spanked by Liverpool I think it'll be same old same old.  Will have some good performances and some shockers.  Same with Everton.  I thought that they might do ok this year but they haven't started great, although have already played Chelsea and Arsenal so maybe they'll do alright.  Hard to say.

After that you'll have Swansea, Southampton, and let's throw a wild card in there and say Leicester will make top 10.

I think it's all going to be pretty close once again though.  Last year from 1st to 7th there was 22 point in it (7 from 1st to 4th).  I'll say from 1st-7th this year there'll be 15 points in it.

Thoughts?  Make your picks.

And Fantasy Premier League?  I'm smoking everyone (as per.  Last year was a blip).  Tim's win last year was a last in the year pan and he sucks this year.  Gerald looks like he might be ok again.  Aaron has already panicked and played his wildcard but like Arsenal, write him off at your peril (like how I've compared you to Arsenal Aaron?).  Nick Goodall, despite having played the game for years, still has no idea of tactics.  Everyone else?  They all enter a team, they all suck, and they all give up. ;)

Sunday, August 31, 2014


BOOM, and this highly decorated team become even more decorated. Great season Stallions, its been a blast.

Stats from final game:
Stallions 2 - Olympic 1
Rauru (Paddy)
Logan (Lloyd?)
Stallion: Logan - insane goal
Pony: Aaron - The non-pony pony - for not been pony all season.

Since I got lazy with the polls might send some confidential voting papers out so we can nominate a few awards.

Until then ...

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Match Report: Stallions 5 - 0 Crappies

Accies line up for their pre game photo.
"Who are the Accies? They are supposed to be Uni students. Some say their coach was German. Nobody ever believed they were real. Nobody ever knew them or saw anybody that ever played directly for them, but to hear Milky tell it, anybody could have played for the Accies. You never knew. That was his power. The greatest trick the Accies ever pulled was convincing the club they actually existed."

The Staccies became the Crappies with the Stallions still unsure who the Accies actually are.

With tensions high after being shafted in the first game, the Stallions came out with a point to prove.  There weren’t too many familiar faces from the first time these teams met which came as no surprise.  These were not the usual suspects.  Being transferred from KP to Wilton meant that free flowing attractive football was not going to be as easy to play as it has been, and also meant that Aaron faced an early shout for Pony as his taxi ride from the University to Wilton Park cost close to $50 (should have been $15-20 tops) as neither he nor the taxi driver had any idea where they were going.

The game got off to a rough start when Rauru was viciously chopped down after he managed to beat a player on the outside.  The pain was obvious but being the tough as nails player that he is he managed to restrain most of the anguish and only let out a little groan as he went down.  The Stallions supporters were outraged and howls of derision and whistles were hurled around towards the Accie culprit.  It sounded more like a derby between Fenerbache and Galatasaray than the two heavyweights from Vic Uni.  The Stallion supporters were so annoyed at Rauru for restraining his pain, rather than showing his true hurt and potentially getting the Accies player booked, that he was given a Pony nomination.  Credit to Rauru though, that’s just not the sort of player that he is.

Stallions then got on the board relatively early from an in-swinging corner (against the wind) from Paddy.  The corner flew in, the keeper came for it and missed, and with the ball almost over the line which would have given Paddy only his second goal of the season, Heath thrusts his hips like Jagger and manages to thigh/testie/stomach/chest over the line.  1-0.

The second goal came a bit later into the half which started with good interchange down the right, before swinging the ball to the left to a galloping Gerald, who then swung it back to the right where Rauru found himself in space to have a hit.  The initial shot was parried by the keeper, the follow up shot blocked by a defender and with Heath screaming “LEAVE IT” Rauru decided to have a ping with his left and crashed the ball into the net just under the cross bar. 2-0.

Right on the stroke of half time the Stallions had an opportunity for a third as a ball was whipped in from the left to Rauru who was unmarked in the box.  Calls of “Time!!” where yelled out but Rauru thought that rather than control, look up, assess options, work out angles, wind direction, ball pressure, and goal keeper height and agility levels before picking any spot he liked, he’d actually dummy and let the ball go through his legs to Lloyd who was approaching.  Lloyd apparently hadn’t anticipated this stunning display of trickery (not for the first time in the half it might be said.  Gee, slow learner that Lloyd.  Lloyd may or may not have been as close as Rauru had thought) and wasn’t able to get on the ball with the chance going begging and the score remaining at 2-0.  Another Pony nomination for Rauru.

Half time came and went with the Stallions feeling good and not being under any real pressure.

The second half got under way and it wasn’t long before the Stallions had a big advantage.  A ball was punted out by goalkeeper Tim and with a bit of breeze behind it, it bounced over the last defender with Rauru running through on goal.  The Accies defender obviously had never seen Rauru in 1-on-1 situations before and decided that giving away a penalty was a safer option (foolish as Rauru’s strike rate from penalties is 100% over the last two years), so chopped him down in the box.  With Graham screaming from the other end of the park “RED CARD!!! IT HAS TO BE A RED CARD!!” (he’s been watching too much John Terry) the referee agreed and gave the Accies defender his marching orders and a bill for $50.  It was rumoured that the defender was last seen straightening up from a limp and walking towards Milky's house.

Rauru being in supremely confident mood (despite apparently many of his team mates not feeling the same way – bastards) forgot his pre-penalty routine and the keeper guessing the right way, got down well and made a good save.  2-0 it stayed but Accies down to 10.  A third Pony nomination racked up for Rauru.

The third goal wasn’t too far coming however and Rauru redeemed himself for the penalty miss as Bakky whipped in a great ball from the left, it found Rauru in the middle with some space due to the lack of extra defender who took it round (read: mis-controlled round) a defender and tucked it past the keeper with his right foot.  3-0 and game over as a contest.

But while the Accies would have been happy to pick up their toys and go home, the Stallions had a goal difference to make up and so kept applying the pressure.  With space opening up due to the extra player, the Stallions created again down the left and a high cross was put into the box.  Rauru sensed an opportunity for a hattrick and ran to get a head on it knowing that the keeper was coming but wasn’t going to fully get there.  Just as the ball was coming down however Rauru lost it in the sun.  Fortunately it managed to hit him on the head and lob over the oncoming keeper into the net (this author is told that it looked much more classy than that from the sideline!).  Left foot, right foot, head for the perfect hattrick and as it turns out possibly the first hattrick scorer to get Pony.  Bastards.  4-0 Stallions.

The Stallions still weren’t done however with Heath getting a second to make it 5-0 but by that stage no one remembers how it was scored.  Bakky claims he got the assist and since no one can be bothered arguing we awarded it to him.

While Rauru was awarded the Pink and the match report honours there were many notable contenders.

·         Aaron – Being warned by the ref for his wild kicks (“Is that with or without the ball, ref?” – a fantastic ‘Heard on the Sidelines’).
·         Aaron – Getting lost pre-game and taking a $50 taxi.
·         Paddy – Slipping over in the mud when taking a corner.
·         Bakky – Screaming at all his teammates for not passing him the ball.
·         Bakky – Screaming at all his teammates for passing him the ball.
·         Bakky – Blaming his teammates for Bakky being off side.
·         Bakky – Just cause it would have been funny to piss him off more than he was already pissed off.
·         Bakky – Referring to himself in the third person on the blog and in emails.
·         Lloyd – Apparently not being telepathic.
·         Graham – Having the nerve to call himself a striker for 5 minutes and even get a shot away that almost went in.  It obviously went to his head as he asked, nay, demanded that he be put into left mid towards the end of the game when Gerald came off.
·         Graham – Screaming at the ref to award a red card.
·         The ref – Saying that the final score was 6-0 cause he thought the penalty had gone in (he obviously knew Rauru’s reputation and was already back at halfway)

Stallion went to Chris who not only put his hand up to sit out the game, but still showed up with his family to watch the game and support the boys, before coming back to the clubrooms afterwards with the family for a beer as well.  True Stallion.

Big shout out to Tom and Dan who also came along to support the boys in our quest for back-to-back promotions.

A great win with lots of shits and giggles along the way.  2 more to go!  WE DON’T SLIP!  WE GO AGAIN!!

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Stallions vs BNU Match Report, aka, A Good Win But We Should Have Won By 6

With second spot, and a potential late run to 1st spot on the line, the changing room was tense. For those 8 players that happened to be there at least 15 minutes from the game.

Watching the young fellas in red  from the comfort of the clubrooms was somewhat encouraging though, running around in the rain as they were, doing shuttles: someone commented "they've only got 13!"  Suddenly we were playing for the win, a draw was not good enough.

With Heath managing to arrive before the game, we got out there with a couple of minutes to spare, kicked the ball around a few times and in true Stallions fashion were good to go.

And with the mood and focus of the team, the result was inevitable from before kickoff.  Bakky got us underway, strategically losing the toss and sending us into the wind.  Lesson learnt from the last time we played these guys.  We felt a bit sorry for the young fellas, undefeated as they were, so spent the first 20 or so trying to encourage them by repeatedly offering them the ball and asking them to attack.  It was all a bit boring really, so on our first foray into their half we sliced through their midfield and someone (Paddy?) popped the ball over the defenders for Jimmy to cleverly take the ball from right under the keeper's nose and over his head all without breaking his hamstring or a sweat. 

We then, again sportingly, conceded their half but they could not put much on target.  An all round solid defence for the last ten of the half and we went to the break with our lead intact.

The second half saw a much more even contest.  With the wind we put some good passing together, won a few corners, and Patrick showed some devastating pace down the right.  With a more open game, both keepers were tested, and Tim made some outstanding saves to keep us in the game.  We had the better chances though, with Carrick, Gus, and Gerald giving their keeper one-on-one practice.  Carrick managed to put a shot on an empty goal but the ball didn't make the 20 yards.  Admittedly, he was on the ground after a red card offence from their keeper.

A few minutes later and we had the 2-0 lead.  After some "encouragement" from his midfield partner to get back and defend a goal kick, Gus positioned himself perfectly and headed the ball down track one for Carrick to run onto and beat the keeper and score.

This prompted Patrick to taunt the opposition and supporters running down the sideline yelling "we should've won by 6!"  [Ed: at least, that's as I heard it told.]

That took the steam out of the game and we saw the final few minutes out with some more solid defending.

It was a day of all round heroics, great team defence, an exceptional back four, a midfield that ran all day, and strikers causing havoc at every opportunity.  Stallion though to Tim, with some great shot-stoppers and one-on-one saves.  Pony was a split-decision, shared between Rauru for missing both Brooklyn games and Tharron, for "losing" a sock that was already being worn.  [Ed: just a sign of how focused I was on the Big Game.]

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Revenge vs Staccies

5-zip, order restored, karma is a bitch etc etc. Anyway - not much more than a practice run, especially after last week's hard effort. Some great football played in the mud, the first hattrick, second clean sheet in a row - can't complain.

Rauru - HATRICK (Bakky, Gerald)
Heath - DOUBLE (Paddy, can't remember the other?)

Stallion: Chris, sitting out due to excess players, but showing up to the game and the clubrooms with the family - Stallion effort.

Pony: many contenders (too many to recall):
- Rauru - Terrible dive, penalty miss
- Bakky - Yelling at Heath not to pass the ball to an offside position
- Aaron - Wild Stallion kicks at either end of the field
- Pretty much everyone - shanked shots, slipping in the mud, being dicks

The winner: Rauru, that terrible dive/scream, shot from the crowd.

2 more to go Stallions, lets do this.

A mean joke by Capital Football

So Brooklyn got humped 9:2 by Eastbourne to put us top of the table. What's going on in our grade?

With the win over them last week we must have opened the floodgate

Karori b 3 v marist 1
Upper slut 4 chit cargo 1
Eastbourne 9 v bnu 2
Naenae v olympic to register the result

Ladder & points & goal diff
Stallies 39 33
Bnu 38 27
Karori 37 24

Next round
Karori v eastbourne giant killers Min 7:40 @ alex moore
Stallies v upper hutt monday 7:40 @ wakefield
Bnu v accies wed at wgtn college 6pm

Surely that can't be right?!?!? nine two??

Someone must have rang the wrong result through

Do they have a Bakky on the job. Eastbournes home game. They'd do the result...would they stuff it up?

Agreed. It would have been the other way round. No way that can be a legit result. That's Eastbourne 1sts as well isn't it? I might believe it if they were 2nds cause they might have dropped players from 1sts to help them avoid relegation, but no way that can be legit.

3 red cards need I say more

Did you guys realize the accies are playing brooklyn next week...

Are you suggesting "the Staccies" comeout to play

I see they've corrected the BNU result on the capital footy website. We're back to 2nd on the table.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Petone 8 - 1 thrashing

Better late than never….

With the promotion this season to division 5 the Stallions have taken perverse pleasure in the contrasting rituals between ourselves and other teams in the grade.

The strangest ritual witnessed by the Stallions, as we arrive at the ground 10-15 minutes before kick-off, is seeing opposition teams running around the field, kicking balls to each other, running drills, etc. Often these activities start more than 30 minutes before kick-off. This season the Stallions’ version of warming up is putting on our strip - even the taking of corner kicks and shooting at the keeper is seen as unnecessary fluff that is a distraction to winning football games.

However against Petone this relaxed approach went a step too far. With only 10 players present just minutes before kick-off Rauru was starting to sweat. He hadn’t miscalculated had he and there were actually more people away then he thought? A few quick phone calls and we were assured that the 3 missing players would be arriving at some point during the game – just not in time for kick-off.

Gus was on the bench so he thought there wasn’t much point turning up before half time; Chris was still learning that, being a family man, if you want to turn up on time you plan to leave at least 30 minutes earlier because something always comes up; and Heath, who said he was just pulling into the car park. A quick look at the car park did not support that statement – we were a bit concerned as Heath has been known this year to turn up to random football fields thinking that was where we are playing.

So knowing that more people would show up, hopefully before the final whistle, we confidently kicked off with 10 men. After the exciting pre-game antics the rest of the match pretty much went off without a hitch. When in possession our distribution and movement was very good – switching the play, quick passes and making Petone work for it. On defence, once Heath arrived 5 minutes or so after kick off, we pressured Petone and although they were willing to play the ball out through the back and avoid route 1 football they didn’t do much with it.

There were so many goals it’s hard to remember what happened. The first two from Rauru and Bakky were headers which is strange considering Petone’s centre backs were tall timber. Bakky’s goal in particular, a crouching waist high header from a corner (cross?), showed that although the defenders may have been tall their positional awareness was woeful.

And so it continued, Stallions cruising along scoring goals at regular intervals until it was 5 – 0 at half time. This game was aiming for a Stallion all-time high score. Unfortunately the second half was a much dourer affair. Gone was the movement and support for the ball carrier, people became tired and Petone started to come into the game. Despite this the Stallions still put 3 more goals away and missed several more scoring opportunities.

The clean sheet was ruined however when the Pony gave away a penalty for handball in the box. This occurred when, on a rare Petone break, the ball was driven into the box from the right wing. Coming forward to chest it away the ball came on quicker than expected and hit both upper arm and chest (that’s my story anyway and I’m sticking to it).

Final score 8 – 1. Other notable news – Lloyd’s family will never attend another of his football matches after the promised drink and hot chips didn’t eventuate with the clubrooms being closed.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

BNU beaten, Stallions win, the wind and mud appludes

That was a great hard graft, no frills win. BNU's first loss of the season. The run in to the end of the season is going to be interesting, we can't afford to drop a point if we want second.

Stallion to Tim for a few quality saves, Rauru pony for missing one of our greatest wins ever due to an ante-natal group retreat!

(Match report writing duties to Tharron as the reserve pony).


Friday, July 25, 2014

Knocked the bastard off!

Nick on the top of Mt Fuji.  Awesome work Nick!!

Saturday, July 19, 2014

The pasting of Petone

Good win today guys.  Some great football played with a lot of passes strung together.

Scorers (assists) are:
Rauru (Heath)
Bakky (Paddy)
Carrick (Rauru)
Lloyd (?)
Carrick (?)
Paddy (Carrick?)
Rauru (Gerald)
Heath (Rauru)

Nominations needed for Pony/Stallion too.

Lot of missed goals.  Any terrible ones?  Can't think of anything, except...
A certain T Walker with a blatant handball to give away a penalty to give up a clean sheet before being moved up front to try and break his duck and to walk the talk which so often comes out of his mouth.  He wasn't exactly jumping at the chance (surprisingly, since he's such a bloody expert at what strikers should be doing ;) ), but did so and was given a golden opportunity to get off the mark this season after being put through one on one with the keeper.  The list of scorers above is an indication of how that one on one went!

Again, not a huge amount of things that I can think of.  There was a player who looked a bit like this though
Not sure if 'Stallion' would be the most appropriate name for the award though...

Leave your thoughts/votes in the comments.

Friday, July 18, 2014

Stallions 4 - 2 Naenae

Think Carrick's might make this video?

Another must win game against mid-table opposition, though the game was hardly conducive to the usual high standard of Stallions football with key personnel missing and Kelburn Park a slippery mess. Kicking off with only 10 men (Tim making a typically late start to the game and the season), we took a while to get going. In a flat first half (several of us playing out of position), Heath continued his rich vein of scoring form by flicking a header over the top of the oncoming keeper to make it 1-0. Paul was also having a blinder in goal, making a number of top notch saves.

On to the second half, and 15mins in Rauru makes it 2-0 with a great flick over the keeper (from a speculative 50m through-ball from Aaron…or did you pick him out? Eds note: I was calling for the ball to be put through. Whether Aaron meant it or not...). On to the 20 min mark and Rauru gets chopped in the box - Naenae down to 10 men and the game is effectively over. Ra is hurting (and Paddy’s away), so I (Carrick) pick up the ball and place it on the spot. Not even a squeak from Tim or Bakky. Aiming bottom right (having missed bottom left with my last two penalty attempts in the past decade), the ball is slotted between the keepers legs. 3-0, and pony award safely secured. A few minutes later and its 4-0…great build up down the left (Eds note: Rauru to Tharron to Heath in a move Barca circa 2011 would have been proud of) , Heath’s shot is parried across the goal and I (Carrick) slide it in to score another gimme. Game over. Though we did manage to leak two late goals (it’s the Stallions way). The penalty was dubious to say the least, though Paul did well to get a hand to it (and duly dislocated his finger (before putting it back in himself) before playing upfront – well worthy of Stallion. Eds note: Not to mention when he was keeper taking on and skinning an advancing striker). 4-1. Some poor defending from the make-shift backline saw Naenae score another late goal. 4-2

All up, a crap day for football, but a good effort from the bare 11. Another 3 points in the bag and the Stallies are up to second on the table (though we’ll probably need to beat BNU, Accies, UH, Olympic and Petone to finish in the top two).

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Another game, another 3 points - Naenae fall

Well we made that hard for ourselves - 4-0 up against 10 men with 20 to go, oh well, thats the way of the Stallion I guess.

Stallion: Paul - A huge game, kept us in it for that first half, finished off with a great flourish - rounding the striker with some fancy footwork! And then dislocating the finger with an almost penalty save.

Pony: Carrick - The worst penalty to be scored EVER.

Heath (assist - Bakky)
Rauru (Aaron)
Carrick (Rauru)
Carrick (Heath)

Accies thrashed by Karori which sees us go back to second but brings Karori back into the mix - worst possible result after the travesty of a couple of weeks back.

Back to admire some glorious Brazilian defending - they just need to be given more license to get forward I reckon.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Stallions 3, Upper Hutt 2, Heath 2

Damn we looked tired and sore after backing up. A good solid win though, some real nice play in moments and it never felt like we were going to lose it. REAL good to see Tom out there.

2 great goals for Heath (1 times assist Gerald, can't remember the other)
1 x pen Rauru (dubious assist for Gerald).

A nice heard on the sidelines (or from the goal mouth): Paul: "Its going wide!", Tangihaere: 'Um no, its not).  Goal.

Stallion: ???
Pony: Gerald - you have heard of the one-inch punch, this was the one-inch miss. Shocking. Look forward to the rematch.

Accies-Brooklyn a 0-0 draw.

Friday, July 4, 2014

Uni Stallions 1 - 4 Uni 'Accies'

Will the real Uni Accies please stand up?

A hard fought game that will go down in the record books as a loss, but it was a tough pill to swallow.  Stunning goal by Tharron to pop his Stallions cherry and ensure that he doesn't have to skull his beer and sour cream drink at the end of the year.  While Tharron's finish was Stallion worthy, Stallion for me has to go to Tangihaere for being penalised for calling out his own name too aggressively and intimidating the opposition.  That's the ultimate Stallion for me, being scary cause you yell too loud.  To be fair, the ref probably isn't the first person to be scared by a Maori fulla yelling at him one a cold dark night coming from out of the shadows ;).  Be too harsh to give anyone a Pony as I felt we all did some bloody hard yards out there for little result in the end.  Bring on Upper Hutt

Goals (assist):  Tharron (no one.  I crossed to Tharron, he took a shot which got blocked but came back to him which he finished).

What - no Accies in the team club of the week? But they had a big win.

Uni Stallions 4 - 1 Eastbourne

Match report from Bakky: The game was played on a very small pitch, which I though we played well on. There was a lot of niggles to the ref (Bakky) and a lot of niggling towards the opposition. Little shits need a spanking :-) and the stallions were the team to give them one. The game started slow and it took a scrappy shot from 40 yards to sneak into the near post, early goal to Eastbourne! (Eds note: 40 yards?! I thought people only exagerate when it's their own goal they're talking about. It was more like 20 yards, 25 tops)  I would say on this pitch it was actually from around 25yrds. (Not very well hit but effective). (Eds note: Oh, I should have kept reading I guess.  But just cause the pitch is smaller doesn't make...never mind).  We needed to shut down the runners from the mid field. The referee was being assessed but made a few errors both ways but from what I saw I thought he had a reasonable game, even if I gave him a bollocking constantly throughout the first half, The Assessor came to me and said if he was refereeing he would have sent me off, I said to him that I wouldn't have said what I said as he would have given the penalty….Once we calmed ourselves down we started adding on the pressure and finally our first goal came from some great play down the right, it ended up with Heath putting in a long throw from the by line, in which I (Bakky) flicked it on and Lloyd who comfortably controlled it and danced around one defender to slip it through the keepers legs, great finish Lloyd 1 - 1. Our second goal came again from the right once again with a good cross coming from Heath the ball had a few attackers on it but was headed out from the Eastbourne centre back, the ball dropped to me (Bakky) where I was sitting around 16yrds on the angle I hit it on the half volleyed and it flew into the side netting of the far post, again good build up play from us down the right (paddy, heath). The third goal came from a loose ball which was bobbling around just outside the 6yrd box, and Carrick did a great job getting to the ball first and sneaking it passed the keeper. Good finish to some good build up! We controlled the game well but let our self down in finishing, the score could have been a lot more at the half; it wasn’t really till the last 20mins of the first half that we started to dominate. The second half started and that’s when the niggling started all over the pitch.  Paddy got nuts twice I was told, Rauru took out a toddler, Bakky almost getting sent off and with all the name calling going on I thought I was back at pre school. There's not much I remember about the second half apart from the fourth goal of the game from a break in play, there was a high ball in which I (Bakky), out jumped a little boy who kept calling me fat, The ball dropped to Lloyd who chipped the keeper from about 12yrds on the angle, very good quality goal.

Eds note:  Bakky obviously Pony despite scoring one and getting two assists.  Bringing the Stallions name into disrepute hasn't been used in a while but this was worthy.  Never heard so much moaning and decent to a ref, and this is from the King Albatross himself!
Stallion was Lloyd for scoring a double and an all round bull-busting game (is 'bull-busting' even a thing?)

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Heath vs Eastbourne

Not even trying to be funny, this is almost exactly like Heath vs Eastbourne, complete with screaming striker on his outside. I saw this on Bleacher Report with the comment "Seriously, what a run, only to Torres it away in the end.". Haha, love that Torres has now become a verb.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Putting the kids to bed, have we fed them?

Stallions 4: Lloyd x 2 (Bakky double assist), Bakky, Carrick (assists?)
Eastbourne 1

Pretty awful game on what felt like a children's pitch, in bullshit conditions with constant niggle - but a good result, especially to come back from the early goal - that slow start again.

Stallion: Lloyd - 2 total control finishes. While everyone else was shooting through bodies/over bars/into each other - Lloyd calmly slotted home twice.

Pony: A couple of contenders:

Heath with a classic from Stallion to Pony - breaking through the middle with a beautiful run, beating defenders, Stallions on either side in a 3 on 1, and he hits a backpass to the keeper.

But that was trumped by Bakky's running battle with the ref, everybody who has ever or may ever play for Eastbourne, the spectators, that seagull who flew past. Its been a while since the 'bringing the Stallions into disrepute' pony came out, good to see it back. I just feel so bad for Bakky - it was only 2 weeks ago he spent 3 days writing a perfect match report. But this one -when he was the key figure in the game - not only the niggle but a goal and 2 assists, it might take months! You have until Friday.

Other results still ain't up, so have to wait and see where we sit. Huge match next week at KP - lets take it to the Accies, and then make sure most of us get to the club rooms to celebrate our win.

Friday, June 20, 2014

Best athletes ever to wear a number

Check this out for potential numbers

Just change the number at the end in the web address to 2 numbers above what number you want to see your famous friends.  Will Aaron Lister one day make the page for famous #22 'athletes'?

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

What number should you choose?

With an imminent arrival of a new strip, people are furiously getting their money in so that they can reserve their number.  Some of us more creative types like to go for something a little bit more out of the ordinary.  If you, like me, are struggling to pick a number, this might help you choose your 'football' number.  I got 21, which oddly enough I was considering...

A quick Google search brings up some quality players too.  Especially that Man U superstar...

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

From the twitter feed

View image on Twitter
@heelturn Ur man 'Super' - "@br_uk: Mario Balotelli with possibly the best Facebook post EVER."

Happy Family

Best response to the strip number question comes from Chris:

'I'd better take 16. That was the date Madeline arrived. Mum and Bubs are doing well. Probably not available this weekend.'

Congrats Chris, Jodi & Madeline. Another junior for the Stallions.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Karori Boomers get their revenge

One of those games where the result don't matter at the end at all - heal well Tom, we are all totally gutted.

The result a bit rough on us though - a terrible pen call, a spilled save scored off, and then Gus doing a Gerrard for the third. Not to mention plenty of scoring chances - how many close range blocks did they have?

Some good stuff though - that 20 minute assault on their goal at the end of the first half was relentless, Gus played really well at the back, umm thats about it - because apart from that we were pretty terrible. At least the Accies got spanked even worse than we did, preserving our lead. [UPDATE: No way fool, Accies won 4-0, you are a dick, there is no silver lining.]

Boomers: 3
Stallions: 1 (Goal Tom, Aaron assist).

Get well Tom, see you soon.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Match Report: Stallions 5 - 0 Marist

Just three days after delivering a thrashing to Karori Boomers on Wakefield No 1, we backed it up with a fanatic win against Marist to demonstrate just what we are capable of.  This was a genuinely impressive display; the score line should have been a lot more.  The Marist team we saw of the first round were no where to be seen but another team showed up and they were happy to have rolling subs. After Wednesday game I think there were a few sore legs still and our ages started to shine through. So rolling subs was a godsend.

We had the better of the early exchanges, but as usually we failed to capitalized and put our early opportunities away, We had a few chances early with some good play down the right and a great cross in by Gus right onto the penalty spot only for Bakky to have so much time he put a clean header just right of the right hand upright.

From there we stuck to our task defensively and then ultimately with some good possession and few post and cross bars hit on the way, we put that nervous first goal in which came from Chris which I believe is his first goal for the stallions (No longer a virgin). Great little half volley off the cross bar and in. 1 nil.

Our second goal came from Rauru after some continuous play down the left between Chris, Heath and Carrick the ball ended up with Paddy who move to left back from centre back put in a beautiful long ball (not sure if this was a free kick or not) to Rauru who easily guided it into the far post, 2 nil.

We had a few more chances one with Lloyd toe poking into the back of the net from around 5yrds, this came from a through ball from Carrick (Eds note:  It was a self-confessed shanked shot) only to realize that Lloyd needed an extra yard in an off side position to put it in the goal. Off side called J well done Lloyd to get that far up the pitch in the first place.

The second half started with us going into the wind but I think this help us because any long balls that went through were a lot easier to chase than in the first half. The third goal came from Rauru again, this time it came from a corner, this arrived from some great pressure and play from the lads up the right hand side. The corner came in from Paddy, Rauru was fighting for position, he left his marker and the keeper and easily put it in the back of the net. Great assist from Paddy, 3 nil.

The 4th goal of the game came once again from down the right hand side, It must have been at least 16 passes (the first of which was a back pass to Paul in goal) between 6 players, the final 3 phases came from Rauru to put Bakky through who instead of going for goal slipped a wonderful through ball to Aaron who beat 2 players to the ball to crash it home. To me this is probably team goal of the season great play from all.

With the stallions now just dominating position and Marist deciding to play 2 – 5 – 3 formation to try and get even just 1 single goal, the chances just came and once again the opportunity to really make a statement to the rest of the league had gone, only able to put one more goal in which came Bakky. This came from a free kick from Paddy which was flicked on from Rauru I believe, the ball dropped for Bakky whose eyes were wide open with excitement. The ball moved like it was in slow motion and Bakky got himself in position to side volley it home only to miss it completely and fall over on top of the ball (Eds note: And secure the Pony). The ball rolled away and Bakky just swung his left foot at it and put it into the net from 16yrds (a slight touch from Tom but not enough to claim the goal) 5 nil.

A few other moment’s about the match to mention.

Great game from DC - Great penalty save no matter what the guys say about it being hit straight at you. J|
And another strong performance from Gus, on the right hand side, even though he gave away the penalty by smashing the 10yr old right mid fielder in the 18yd box.

Strong game by Carrick.

Good refereeing by Lloyd and Heath.

And I reckon we rolled the subs pretty well on the weekend lads. No one waited too long on the side lines to get on.

Well done lads and let keep the intensity up for this week against Karori at Ben Burn Park.

One more thing Chris’s wife Jodi was meant to have their baby today (Monday) so congratulations Chris and Jodi! (Eds note: Much like Chris' first goal for the Stallions, the baby might be a little late coming, but when it does come, it'll be a stunner!)
