Monday, July 23, 2012

Fantasy vs GP and Lower Hutt


Paul 60+, 3 (9 saves), 3bps, 5 (saved pen)-2 (4 goals) 11
Tangihaere 60+, -2 (4 goals) 0
Corey 60+, -2 (4 goals), 6 (defender goal) 6
Mike B 60+, -2 (4 goals) 0
Spencer 60+, -2 (4 goals) 0
Joe 60+, -2 (4 goals) 0
Aaron 60+ 2
Lloyd 60+, 2bps 4
Robin 60+ 2
Tom 60+ 2
Logan 60+, 6 (2 assists) 8
Rauru 60+, 4 (goal) 6

L Hutt

Paul 60+, -2  (2 goal loss) 1
Tangihaere 60+, -2  (2 goal loss), 3bps 4
Jason 60+, -2  (2 goal loss) 1
Mike B 60+, -2  (2 goal loss) 1
Graham 60+, -2  (2 goal loss) 1
Joe 60+ 2
Aaron 60+, mf goal (5), 1bp 8
Lloyd 60+, 2bp 4
Panda 60+ 2
Tom 60+, -1 (yellow) 1
Logan 60- 1
Rauru 60+,  3 (ASSIST) 5
Spencer  60+ 2


Rauru 117
Lloyd 63
Aaron 59
Logan 57
Paddy 52


purely belter said...

Hey I played against lower hutt too bloody Gus came on for four minutes gets a point I toil away up front move into the defence and get fark all this is a conspiracy of the highest order I demand immediate action or at your nearest convenience

005 said...

And I praised you so heartily in the match report too. Lets go for at my nearest convenience. Yeah, like the Stallions season some of these figures have gone a bit wonky.

Happy to give you another point - gives you about 8 in total - well until last week's goal. The only goal scored by a defender this season?

Gustona said...

You are a defender aren't you aaron?

005 said...

I'm a f**ken attacking force of nature. Who sometimes defends.