Sunday, June 3, 2012

Uni Stallions 1 Vs 1 North Wellingtin Clarets Wakefied pk#2 02.06.2012 7.30pm

If it wasn't for me we could have had all three (points). if we had a striker who could score we could have won by four (goals). but alas you see it wasn't to be, after 90 minutes of football a bore draw had we.
Their midfield was good but ours was better, Lloyd always solid Paddy is quite clever.
Our Defenders ran themselves into the ground with Tangi barking orders they were the best back 4 around
so now ends my little ditty if you didn't get a mention please don't get ...

So umm we scored when their goalie cleared the ball out to tom ? and left an open goal for him to bang the ball into.
They scored after the shot i initially saved  rolled under my body and dribbled into the net about the only way they looked like scoring if i'm honest

Stallions(Tom or paddy ? 25mins) 1 - 1 North Wellington Clarets(some bugger or is it an oggie? 75mins)


005 said...

God, don't beat yourself up over that Corey - as you say, a good team effort but full of a lot of ifs and buts from pretty much everybody that would have brought us 3 points. Alas ...

Rest of the results went as expected and didn't do much for us.

Wasn't it Paddy who scored our goal?

Who are we most looking forward to in the second round -for me its got to be Lower Hutt, some unfinished buisness there, and the Raiders, and also funnily enough Wests - will be good to play them again.

purely belter said...

Not beating myself up at all slept like log. Would love a rematch with Rangers

005 said...

I'm glad, but its got to be said - thats a pretty angry match report!

005 said...

Oh wait, its changed. Now its funny.

tshanley14 said...

what's this conspiracy to give paddy my goal!

purely belter said...

I did credit you the goal in the match report but Aaron may have had $5 on paddy for first goal at the t.a.b and is trying to cash in on it

Anonymous said...

Can we please go back to 1 striker maybe Rauru. Tom and Robin are playing strong on the flanks and can cover up front.
Gus, Paddy and Lloyd CMs.

Rauru said...

*Maybe* Rauru? What's this *maybe* business!

Gustona said...

anyone could have scored those 12 tap ins. Put Lister up front I say....

Rauru said...

Green eyes to go with the red hair? :P