Friday, May 11, 2012

Wonky Fantasy vs Wests


Paul 60+, -3 (6 goals), 1 (3+ saves) 0
Tangihaere 60, -3 (6 goals) -1
Jason 60, -3 (6 goals) -1


Graham 60+, -3 (6 goals) -1

Spencer 60+, -3 (6 goals), 2bps 1
Aaron 60+, 5 (mf goal) 7
Lloyd 60+, 3bps 5

Robin 60+ 2
Panda 60+, 3 (assist) 5
Tom 60+ 2

Rauru 60+, 8 (2 goals), 1bp 11

Remember this time last season when defenders were racking up the clean sheets, getting all the mvps, totally dominating fantasy to the point the strikers were complaining (well, we are talking Gus and Rauru, two whiners of the highest order)? How things have changed. Luckily we have an archive and can check out the points for the game at this time of last season:

Paul 2 (+60), 6 (cleansheet), 1 (3+saves) 9
Tangihaere 2 (+60), 6 (cleansheet), 3 bps 11
Jason 2 (+60), 6 (cleansheet), 1 bps 9
Joe 2 (+60), 6 (cleansheet) 8
Corey 2 (+60), 6 (cleansheet) 8
Graham 2 (+60 - hmmm?), 2 (mf cleansheet) 3
Aaron 2 (+60), 1 ( mf cleansheet), 5 (mf goal), 2 bps 10
Lloyd 2 (+60), 1 (mf cleansheet) 3
 Paddy 2 (+60), 1 (mf cleansheet) 3
Dan 2 (+60), 1 (mf cleansheet), 3 (assist) 6
Nick 2 (+60), 1 (mf cleansheet) 3
Robin 2 (+60), 1 (mf cleansheet) 3
 Logan 2 (+60), 3 (assist) 5
Rauru 2 (+60) 2

So here we are. Let's take the sad case of Tangihaere in 2012. Undoubtedly one of the stars of the side (with the odd net-forgetting getting in the way). Lets look at his points this season. He has played all 5 games with the following laughable fantasy output (2, 1, 0, 0, -1). For a grand total of 2 points - most of us get that per game just by walking out onto the field. I'm crap at maths, but even I know that dividing that haul on a per game basis would get kind of funny.

Then you look at the top end where 2 players lead - a certain goal-scoring, assist-wielding, Tang-loving, heart-breaking defensive midfielder, and oh yeah - that unnamed brother of Tangihaere who has racked up 36 points from 3 games - a phenomenal output.

So, I think this proves a couple of things - the system is designed for professional players, we can't go about changing things due to the nature of our performances - imagine if we had done this last year, the gap would be either larger now (hmm defenders lose points for conceding goals, should strikers lose points for misses, defensive mid fielders for dropping off their men?), and most of all that this means nothing and we should take it all with a grain of salt. It is a bit of fun, but I would imagine it would be less fun if you were getting .0089356170 points per game.


Greevis said...
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005 said...

Oh Graham, always so defensive. IF you read the post properly you would have seen that referred to a performance last year. Making that comment is a little like charging up the wing and then yelling out and complaining that the pass came too late!