Sunday, May 27, 2012

Fantasy Points as Stallions Hit Six

I'm taking it upon myself in the absence of the Fantasy Points collecter to change some of the rules. I'm not sure if we did it last year but I remember talking about it at some stage that the D should get points if they conceed only 1 and we still win. We decided that they should get 6 points if we don't conceed, and I thought it was 2 if we conceed only 1 but still win. It seems wrong that the D dominated as much as they did against a team with decent strikers and only gets 2 points. So I'm changing it, and if Aaron doesn't like it too bad. He's not fantasy champion anymore, there's a new top dog in town...

Paul - 2pts 60+, 2pts 1 goal win, 1pt 3+ saves = 5pts
Panda - 2pts 60+, 2pts 1 goal win = 4pts
Tangihaere - 2pts 60+, 2pts 1 goal win, 2bp = 6pts
Graham - 2pts 60+, 2pts 1 goal win, 3bp = 7pts
Corey - 2pts 60+, 2pts 1 goal win = 4pts
Spencer - 2pts 60+, 1pt 1 goal win = 3pts (played half game D)
Rob - 2pts 60+, 5pts goal, 1bp = 8pts
Tom - 2pts 60+, 3pts assist = 5pts
Paddy - 2pts 60+, 3pts assist = 5pts
Lloyd - 2pts 60+, 6pts 2x assist = 8pts
Gus - 2pts 60+, 4pts goal = 6pts
Rauru - 2pts 60+, 3pts assist, 16pts 4x goal = 21pts

Stallion = Paul.  Huge save at a critical time in the game.  Would have made it 3-2 or 2-2 (can't remember) and they would have gone into the break with bit more confidence.

Pony = Gus.  Un-Stallion like behaviour.  As a striker who likes a bit of lip though, I can kinda relate.  I wouldn't have dropped to the ground like a pussy like you did to get the guy sent off though.  I only do that when being tackled ;)

Because this is Gus 3rd Pony though, and his last match report was unusual at best, I think Tangihaere should write up the match report since we never got one from him last time and he gave away his 3rd penalty of the season.  A "Heard on the Sidelines" would be "I just wish I smashed him harder!"


Rauru said...

Click on the Fantasy label, scroll down to June 2nd 2011 and look at the comments. I knew we had changed up the rules. Defenders dont lose any points (regardless if how many we conceed) so long as we win.

Rauru said...

And this

Gustona said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Gustona said...

I could care less about the rule changes or missed assist points -but pussy calls are not tolerated. I ran towards the guy with the thought (the only thought) in my head to go around the guy behind him and into the box to receive the free kick. He then proceeded to drop the shoulder and totally took me out - blindsided I wasn't ready for contact as I never intended to make contact. Had I ran at him trying to knock him, don't you think a little short fat man like that would be on the ground? Believe me -if I wanted to drop anyone they would be dropped. I then, respectfully decline the pony. As 'a moment' I had no part in it. Trying to get someone sent off is not right. Quite wrong in fact. Certainly not in my bag of (diminishing) tricks. To be called un stallion like is insulting at best. Snide at worst. I repeat - you take that back.

005 said...

This sounds awesome. I think Gus should be given Stallions life membership. I will induct him into the Hall of Fame.

3 ponies in the first half of the season, damn Gamn. That's what G got all last season and we gave him hell.

As for 4 more for Walker, amazing. Perhaps this is the season when the Stallions might win the club golden boot - you must be right up there.

005 said...

Damn gamn? Meant to say Damn Gus, but I kinda like that - Damn Gamn, I can see the tshirt - in pony pink with a toothless smile logo.

Greevis said...

Wahoo, my first BPs of the season! Aaron really wasn't in town, was he?

005 said...

Booo G-Man. While my (self-appointed?) pony-rustling role often means I come your way, I also give credit where its due and have fought for points etc for you - you have had a good season. Perhaps when I'm not there to steal the show there is more light for you to stumble into (probably blinding light, causing a big old shank).

Saying that HOWEVER, interesting that 4 goals and and assist wasn't BP worthy,or Lloyd's 2 assists and I assume centre of the field domination as well. You must have been on fire to earn 3 points. Or maybe Aaron and his love of pure fantasy just wasn't in town. That's cool, theres a new king or something.

005 said...

Any of those goals worthy of entering the race for best of the season? Or bad misses?

Rauru said...

Lloyds performance was very good and he owned the middle of the park. He would be the hard luck story of the game and in hindsight could (should?) have got some BPs (although one assist he was a mile offside when he got the ball and also had a handball that wasn't called that even Maradona would have been ashamed of.

The game was open from the word go and in the views of Rob, Tangihaere and I (who were the only ones at the pub to make the call) it was the defense's game to win or lose. The attacking midfields and strikers had it pretty easy against a team that didn't like to tackle and played the offside line at half way.

They had some good, quick, skillful attackers who were just shut out of the game. Jason and Joe are gonna find it hard to get their spots back after G-Man and Panda did so well in their place!

Gus Gus Gus. After you dropped like a sack of spuds, you got up and just smiled at the other players and basically said you were wrapped you had got him sent off. You fueled a fire and you know it. As a moment you had a lot to do with it as you ran straight at a dude that was already fired up at you (although he did drop a shoulder and deserved to be sent). It was an event that was either gonna be Stallion or Pony - we went for the latter. Your respectful request to turn down the Pony, is turned down. Respectfully. Match report is all Tangihaere's though.

And Aaron, don't go putting that kind of curse on me! I'm just happy playing for the team and if I happen to do well then....nah screw that, gimme that golden boot.

Rauru said...

And no awesome goals or shocking misses. A lot of good team goals with good buildup for most of them.

tshanley14 said...

re "it was the defense's game to win or lose" - spence also did some outrageously good defending at times against beiber and the one directions. and what was good was when we did concede a goal, we didn't collapse, but kept composed kept it tight.

regardless of the "event" that lead to the red card, how miramar reacted to the red card seemed to seal the win for us, as miramar decided to hack us for 15 mins and stopped playing footy.. - well played to lloyd and gus for keeping their heads as all those tackles from behind came flying in.

i was afraid my shot onto the crossbar was gonna have been pony-worthy.

goal of the season - the first goal (rob from rauru's cross) was a great flowing move. was it a shot or cross though?

Rauru said...

Yep, that type of defending has become the norm now for Spencer. There was that one tackle where he came right across from the wing to stop the player who was through on goal. Great stuff.

I didn't think your shot was Pony worthy. Looked like a tough chance and it was unlucky to come off the underside of the bar. Would have been a cracker had it gone in. If you think it was bad though talk us through it!

Rob's goal (2nd of the game) was a great team goal. Great ball from Lloyd through to Rob, Rob squares it to me, I try and round the keeper but push it a bit far to the left, try to shoot (yes, it was a shot!), Rob following in on the back post to tap in. Goal of the season? Depends if you like your team flowing goals or individual brilliance. Team goals are harder to remember which I guess is the problem.

purely belter said...

Our six goal was brilliant too, the cross from paddy to meet Rauru's head was gorgeous. (mirrored perhaps by Jeremy Brockie for the All whites on Sunday, but ours was heaps better)

Rauru said...

And I am absolutely pants when it comes to headers so was stoked with that one. Would have been up there with miss of the season if I didnt at least get it on target though!

Greevis said...

The interesting thing for me tactically was that usually we play with Tangi as a sweeper, and (assuming the team we're playing have 2 up front) the other centre back and either the left or right back man marking the other centre forward.

On Saturday, Tangi made the early call that he was going to man mark their young (quick!) striker, leaving me with the other older less mobile striker, and us without a sweeper.

I think this allowed us to be more attacking (especially as the wings did not have track back quite so much, as they must when the left or right back is man marking a centre forward) and was a contributing factor in terms of some of our goals.

We were still able to (mostly) neutralise their attack; something we haven't always been able to say this season in spite of having the additional man at the back.

Maybe a better team (or one less intent on maiming Gus) would have hurt us more than they did. But maybe there is something worth considering with that formation?

Anonymous said...

Tangi did end up sweeping a bit in the back in the second half, especially when those fast strikers made a break.But agree that it did work well having Panda and Graeme in the backs. Some impressive defense happening.
I was also impressed with the amount of passing that went on (no hacking or blind passes to the opposition) and think that the starting line up was definently your strongest combination I've seen this season- no offense to those that were'nt there. If the oppotunity arises again I say start with that line up again.

005 said...

On behalf of all Jasons, Joes, Mikes and Aarons I scoff at this suggestion that this is our strongest line up - and we challenge you all to a game of peaknuckle to show our worth to the side. We clearly would have won by 23 if we had played.

The Biebers and short fat men of Mirimar would never have stood a chance.