Monday, March 16, 2009

There you go jamie - another caption contest

I know we have seen both these guys before, but this is classic ...


purely belter said...

I see it's still pick on the white guy from Porirua month

005 said...

Oh hell Corey, let's make an entire season of it. You just photograph so well (in a Tintin kind of way this time).

Anonymous said...

The ghosts of Nairnville Park.

005 said...

University Stallions, brought to you by Sunset Tan ...

Anonymous said...

"Nah it doesn't fit Corey..."

Anonymous said...

next up in Royal Rumble...

Anonymous said...

Your about to witness the Oxford Dictionary's meaning of 'Public display of affection'

Ben Hodges said...

"I loved you in Casper!" (with a nod to the river boat scene in Hot Shots)

005 said...

'I'll show you mine if you show me yours ...'

purely belter said...

it's like a picture board version of the last scene in "An officer and a gentleman"

005 said...

And who would you be in that scenario Corey?