Wednesday, April 2, 2008

The New Strip

Jamie has sent through pics of the new strip - so here it is. Umm, I know the pink headband is a key part of the team culture, but this may push things a little too far. A case of nice idea but poor execution? We will be laughed off the field. Am I allowed to ask if we still have the old strips? Yellow and Green has never looked so tasteful. It does have a certain retro, Miami-Vice thing happening. I wonder if the keeper's jersey is so, umm pink.

Update: After freaking out a little , I've done some research - and apparently pink is not so bad.
Here is a quote from The Time's article on the 50 greatest football strips talking about Palermo's pink strip - 'For sheer nerve. If you’re going wear pink - in Sicily - you’d better be ready to play hard.' Good article by the way -

Here's a connected Guardian article about pink in sport - which puts a new spin on our use of the pink headband - we are bad, bad men:

'She's got a point. Several male American gridiron teams have adopted the bizarre practice of dressing underperforming players in pink shirts as a punishment. One US soccer mag regularly gives a "pink card" to players it accuses of diving.

In both instances the meaning is clear. Pink is unmanly and dishonourable. Cowards, weaklings, cheats and, by foolish implication, homosexuals and women wear pink. Well that about wraps things up for pink.' Its a good article too - here

Don't know if I feel better or worse about the new strip ...


Ben Hodges said...

The strip looks great. Although i would like to have seen much tighter shorts to accentuate our love cushions.

005 said...

Yeah, i wasn't gonna mention it - but since you brought it up ... Since Ben is the only Stallion who tucks his shirt in as in the photo he will look like this. The rest of us will be much, much cooler with our pink shirts out.