Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Lock up your daughters ... its Robin

Right or left mid. Let’s face it - I’m only really good at running.

Stallion Hall of Fame
Most handsome Stallion 2004 (as voted by the team’s most regular supporter, Jen). Hang on, what about the other seasons?

How many seasons as a Stallion?
One less than self-proclaimed original Grand High Stallion Mr Rauru Walker.

Are you a dual Stallion? If so what game are you best at?
Yes. At this stage I’m the only “surviving” dual stallion. My definition of surviving excludes people who play one game of football every season just to earn the dual stallion stripes (Graham), people who play one game of cricket every season on a whim because it’s a lovely sunny day, we’re playing at Kelburn park and there might be a barbecue (Aaron) and people who have to invent new teams and call them “The Line-dancing Stallions” or “The Stamp-collecting Stallions” just so that they still feel like they’re still in the loop but really they’re quite homesick and just need a little cry (Rauru).

What game am I best at? Telling it like it is.

*Cricketing Stallion Greg says: Robin 'Rob' Hinkley- the man most likely to score an exquisite 49 and then get bowled leaving a straight one....Rob should be good for a stunning bicycle kick into the corner of the post, as well as for maintaining a veneer of faultless fair play and reasonableness while actually being a ruthless, cold-blooded psycho who writes catchy pop songs about vengeance and armed robbery...

Greatest Stallion Moment?
The goal I curled in from a corner kick at Newtown Park against our foes Wellington United. Someone (perhaps Ben H) blocked the keeper, and no one laid a hand on the ball until it was in the net. Aaron didn’t even get a shoelace to it. That’s a tinny goal, I know, but the best bit was my uncharacteristic celebration that few have been able to replicate – it was kind of a double middle-fingers-up albatross mixed in with the ferocious roar of a lion. Quite Ancient Greek in its blending of creatures actually.

Worst Stallion Moment?
Realising later that the celebration discussed above was OTT and made me look like a complete dick.

A close second: Losing against runaway easy-beats Stokes Valley in a mud-bath at Delaney Park (though “Park” is being quite generous here). I vowed never to wash my boots until we had avenged them. Avenging them was subsequently made more difficult by the fact that they were relegated. Now you know why my boots are always so grubby.

Describe your last goal for the Stallions.
Two Saturdays ago. Made a run on the left wing, and was fed a beauty by either Paddy or Tristan. The little legs of the Olympic Nursery team couldn’t catch me and I popped it across the goalie into the right side of the goal. Managed to keep my celebration in check this time.

Complete the sentence - As a player I am susceptible to...
Kicking the ball away too early. I’m always looking for the through ball, and often mess it up when I could just pass it back, run with it or hold it up.

Most under-rated Stallion?
Nick Goodall. Come on guys, he’s not that bad!

Finish this sentence. The Stallions need more…
…net pegs, and perhaps a couple more rolls of insulation tape. Could someone perhaps pick those up on the way to the next game? Is this part of the blog a kind of shopping list?

Which international player are you most like?
Susan Devoy, for obvious reasons.

Where will the Stallions finish in 2008?
I’m feeling pretty optimistic about the season, but it’s hard not to after a 11-2 win. We won’t have any other games as easy as that, and there are a couple of teams in the grade that look formidable, but I reckon we can finish in the top three if we can field a consistent team and aren’t plagued by injury or fatherhood. Structurally, we seem to be working well as a team – the defence is well organised, our strikers and attacking midfielders are showing a bit of spark, and we’ve bagged some handy new recruits.


Ben Hodges said...

That peach of a through ball from tristian or patrick was so good the opppostion didn't even realise they had unleashed it . Whichever one of them managed somehow to make it look like i had turned a player and chipped the ball over the defence. Brilliant play guys. I wish i could have made those sorts of plays instead of playing what Ben Brooks described as a "shocker"

bitter? me? I live in hope that your were just trying to wind me up Rob

Ben Hodges said...
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energy24.7 said...

Oh shucks Rob.

I had forgot about you're corner taking prowess, I guess we usually figure you should be in the middle to take advantage of your height, but next time Paddy's away, they're all yours!

energy24.7 said...

Oh shucks Rob.

I had forgot about you're corner taking prowess, I guess we usually figure you should be in the middle to take advantage of your height, but next time Paddy's away, they're all yours!

energy24.7 said...

Oh and no picture to accompany this profile Aaron, surely something about the terrrible long shorts, or short longs, whatever they are.
You're getting slack!

005 said...

Sorry to disappoint Nick, there were plans - but after stumbling home following a few drinks and hearing Henry Rollins ramble on (brilliantly) for 3 hours - but knowing my audience were desperate to hear about Robin's dirty boots - all I could muster was a push button and send. The idea of image searching 'long shorts' really appealed little. If you have anything from your personal collection of boys with short legs and long pants please feel free to add.

Apart from that its pleasing to see Ben's bitterness level rise - I'm sure it will explode in a flurry of toe hacks and ball-in-faces on the field Saturday - we just know how to get you motivated Ben ...

And as for Robin's magical corner, i believe it was the gale force wind behind us that propelled the ball into the goal, not any high skill level. This led to almost the entire team of Stallions rolling on the ground in laughter, hence Robin's two fingers salute - which happened, if I remember correctly (and i always do) mere days after the famous Merhtens fingers to a South African crowd.

Anonymous said...

I did have a memory of you passing me that ball, but I thought to myself, "Now that can't be right, can it?" and promptly edited my memory. I'm still dubious, even after memory-inducing hypnosis.

Anonymous said...

hes not that ba - hes just not that good

energy24.7 said...

who's that ya fucker? posting under anon, chicken shite...

005 said...

I think it was Gus, he hates you more than clymidia - that's what he told me anyway ...

I always thought snarky little anon was Robin - but now he's posting under his own name. Perhaps I should ban the anon option - speak up or shut up!

005 said...

Ben B has been suspiciously quiet - 'Oh I can read the blog but can't comment on computers at work' - very convenient.

Or perhaps it was the person who yelled out 'the hand of god' when Rauru clearly handed the ball into the net all those seasons ago ...