Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Let the preseason begin (and end)

Tim: Well if there was a pony I'd get it for snotting an own goal better than their strikers and getting in trouble by offering up a facial for the twat that banged the ball on my head after I clattered into their number 4.

Now I know why people get called 'Old sods' (slow old dangerous). Ruined Gus's clean sheet too.


Gustona said...

Was a good hitout.

I think that we have had more preseason games this year than all other years combined.

Update the stats Blogmeister!

Anonymous said...

Ummm...one last hurrah? What's that about? Do you mean before joining masters? I'll be back in Wellington in July. Keen for a half season if I'm needed. I don't know where my three-quarter pants are, but I have some normal shorts I could wear. If not, I'm really good at cutting oranges.

One last hurrah?