Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Stallions 5 - 1 Marist

Terrific result in the weekend fellas, and great to get two in a row!

Some excellent finishing - and delivery for headed goals - with Milky's promotion to up front proving very effective. We got the wobbles a little after their sensational header to blind volley from 30 yards wonder goal, but very pleasing how we then got it back together and took it away from them. (Actual signs of fitness??)

Nice that a wee group stuck around for a post match beer in the Marist club rooms - let's try keep this up as a nice way to regroup and award pony/ stallion.

Bravo to Carrick in taking one for the team and playing in the midfield again. Insult to injury old chap, but you've been ponified (a weaker form of beatified, though not requiring a miracle and death). Line call, but you've been pinged for standing on the ball and falling over in open play. (To the Masterton boys, this is called "DCing it" after Paul famously snapped his ankle on a 5cm raised platform on his first day in a summer job). Runner up points to milky for arriving ten seconds before kick off, Paddy for "it wasn't really handbags, more like purses" describing an altercation, Gus for the Johnny Wilkinson psyche up on a corner which was toe poke-sliced straight out?

Stallion? Milky for his triple fake shot, then into the bottom corner? Gus for taking one in the business then carrying on to shoot and score? Paul for another one on one double block at 2-1?

Enjoy the bye this weekend, do try to stretch the legs a little, or spend some quality time with the kids practising your nutmegs (Paddy..) Next up Upper Hutt at KP in two weeks, with Aaron and Gerald (and Heath?) likely back in the mix. Tangi, Mus - you've got two weeks to grow your beards into something suitable for taking up defensive place alongside Graham, Dan and Gus!

Goals: Milky (2), Rauru (2), Gus (1).
Assists: Dan (Gus), Julian (R1) ???


Unknown said...

Thanks for the write up Dan and great result lads... looking forward to wearing 'the pink' with pride

005 said...

Great match report Dan. Let's augment it with some twitter banter related to Logan's goal and a bit of FPL:

@gustona Lovin those triples lads early days but
‏@heelturn Don't get me started abut those F**ken chips. C'mon Gus, talk me through your goal. I've heard all about Rauru's.
‏@Gustona Not enough characters here. Needless to say, a comedy of errors
‏@LuxGolfToursNZ There were testicles, accusations of hand ball, flapping and sprawling GKs. U missed a good game.
‏@heelturn Wait, wait, wait. One of those things especially needs explaining.
‏@LuxGolfToursNZ Probably the same thing that had Jade in stitches when I asked her how to spell it (it didn't come up in my predictive).
‏@Gustona Stallions-like transfers @LuxGolfToursNZ? Gaffer all p*ssed off & th whole team's gone! Goal diagram prepared @heelturn Blog access to post?
‏@LuxGolfToursNZ Enough from u Gus. Getting writing that match report. Pony for worst goal celebration and worst corner ever taken.
‏@heelturn And testicles.
@Gustona Bit like this.Differences:this guy uses skill to finish and his team check he's okay after
‏@LuxGolfToursNZ Haha, it was almost totally like that. And I came over like the first guy did and patted u on the back...then walked off.

Rauru said...

Did we decide on Carrick as Pony?! That's a harsh Pony call! Pretty sure Carrick wasn't the only one who stepped on the ball and fell over *sheepishly puts hand up*

Jules got one assist for me and Milky got the other. One of Milky's assists was a through ball from midfield and the other was an assist from the sprig of their central defender.