Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Stallions 1 - 0 IBU HHH

Great gutsy win last night guys; getting it done on the archetypal cold, wet night at the Britannia (aka Wakefield 1).

A very hard fought game  played mostly on the North side of the ground thanks to the prevailing (or should that be dominating) wind. Conditions did not favour flowing football, but some of our passing along the ground was superb.

Minimal chances at either end, most of what I had to do as keeper amounted to coming and collecting balls that came long (which I did reluctantly) and then trying not to punt the ball out on full (with which I had mixed results). Great goal to seal the deal with minutes to spare, but kudos must go to the defence, superbly marshalled by Aaron to seal a rare clean sheet in the absence of Tangihaere.

Brooklyn are officially promoted as of their 5-3 win against the Sea Captains in the game after ours, and the Magpies win against Tawa lifts them up from dead last in the table and means the bottom 5 teams are separated by just a point.

Bring on Masterton and the road trip!


005 said...

Nice one Graham, damn that table looks good. Haven't seen the Stallions so happy after a win for a long time.

How about that heard on the sidelines as reported by Carrick: Some Brooklyn egg: 'They don't deserve to be second in the league'.

Pony/Stallion nominations?
That goal was superb - I reckon Stallion might have to be Loric. Or Carrick for showing up stripped and ready even will sick.

Can we give pony to the idiot #2? What a fool - how he survived the game I don't know. Mind you, they are likely saying the same thing about Rauru ... Pony nominations? Ha - Rauru and the Albatross, Rauru and the boot laces incident ...

Rauru said...

We don't deserve to be 2nd?! We're 9 points clear of 3rd FFS!!! Who else deserves to be second?!?!

Hey hey hey. What's this talk about getting Pony for the boot laces?! That's Stallion worthy! The albatross? I've done worse. At least I didn't mouth off to the ref (at that point anyway. There was lots of mouthing off at other points). The scuffle with #2? There were 10 other Pony potentials on the field at that point as 8 HHH players gathered round wanting a piece of this, there wasn't another Stallion to be seen. Thanks guys. Where's Ben Brooks and his charging out from goal to punch someone in the head when you need him.

If we've talking Pony, how bout Graham for taking 3x his allowed time to kick the ball from his hands (and it wasn't done to waste time)? Or Paddy for taking a dive in the box that he said at half time he was so embarrassed by it that had it been given he would told the ref not to award it?

Stallion I think has to go to Loic. Was a great goal that he took really well. He was fighting a player on either side of him to win that ball. I haven't celebrated a goal like that possibly ever! And I've never heard Stallions 'whooping' after the game like that. I'm still buzzing! Agree with the monumental effort of Carrick for getting to the game as well. Commitment if ever I've seen it.

Can't wait till this weekend. Gutted so many of you guys can't make it, but we've still got the trip up the coast to look forward to.

Let's get these final 4 points (maybe less is PowerShop drop any points) and then we can mix the team around! Let's go again!!

tshanley14 said...

Great stuff lads - good to see div 3 looks likely to be stallioned next season...