Sunday, May 17, 2015

Stallions 2, Wainui 0

God that win looks good on paper, but it was a bit tougher than it appears: playing with that wind with 10 players for most of the second half, scoring a couple and keeping a decent team out (first clean sheet of the season!) was a damn fine effort.

2 pretty odd goals:
Bakkie from (what was it Bakkie  - 60 metres?, drawing a Brooks out of their keeper and celebrating like he had scored the best goal in the world)
Rauru the most exhausted goal I've ever seen - just waited to be tackled until the moment came he decided, screw it I may as well throw out a leg.  Graham with the near-but-not-quite-assist.

Stallion: Bakkie - All hassling aside that goal for the ages broke the deadlock, and at a time when we were under the hammer.

Pony: The Stallions have had 4 wins a row now - has Heath being Pony every time? This time he led the halftime argument that we should make all of our substitutions (well, our one substitution), and then broke down with a pinged hammy 5 minutes into the half leaving us with 10 for the rest of the game. I can see Tim smiling right now!

Since Heath will likely be on the sidelines for a couple of weeks Graham will *ahem* 'be wearing the pink' on Saturday as reserve Pony, and Heath has promised a match report!


Unknown said...

35 metres pal, and i disnt celebrate like it was the best goal of all time. I celebrated like "what the fuck just happened""..... :-)

T said...

And the weirdness of results continue. KCU which was near bottom in the first few rounds are now third and seem to have a pretty decent attack, same with Masterton.

IBU Powershop lose to bottom placed IBU Sea Captains

Our goal difference really should place us about mid-table. That heavy loss against Brooklyn in the first round really throwing things out.

Rauru said...

And the fact that most teams have played Sea Captains. 3 points is important this weekend but once that's secure we need goals.

Magpies won their first 3 then lost their next 4. KCU have two losses and two draws, then three wins on the bounce. Will be a telling game for them against Brooklyn this weekend, then us next weekend.