Friday, May 1, 2015

New Strip - its true

First day of the 2008 season - here the Stallions are in their new, shiny strip (Damn, its only Nick, Paddy and I left). This strip has seen us well - promoted from Div 7 to Div 4, attracted many fans, and struck green and gold fear into opponents from Wainui to Island Bay. Over the last (shit!) seven years, the strip has shown its age - especially on those wet, muddy days when it feels like a sail. Tomorrow, it gets retired (or becomes a second strip).

Yes, the new strip has arrived.

We will save the reveal for tomorrow. Expect a more simple and clean design (arguably a little too clean!), a return to the look of the original Stallions strip, custom numbers, a new (and non-alcoholic) sponsor across the front, new strip manufacturer, and yes, a good fit (sorry Bakkie, you get the XL you ordered last season, not the L you say you need now). Well, we hope for a good fit - the twilight boys will recall the really 'snug' fit strips we got last season. Only Rauru has tried one on.

So, we clearly need another pre game team photograph before these strips hit the mud of Anderson Park - so lets try to get there 5 minutes earlier than normal, and someone bring a camera. Who knows - in 7 years when we get the new 'geriatric' strip we can put that photo on the blog in place of this one.

God, look at that team - losers - no wonder we were stuck in Div 7 for so long. Goodall, Robin, Hodges - ha!

And of course, lets not forget - bad things can happen when you do shit like this. This photograph was taken 5 minutes before the following:

So what colour strip do Masterton wear? Not pony pink like our new one? Bring normal black shorts/black socks.


Paddy said...

Can't wait!! Who is that in the pic behind me and Nick??? Is it Ben Brooks??

How we survived in Div 7 for so long amazes me....

Rauru said...

From left to right, Aaron, Rob, Cory, Jason, Ben H, Nick W, Ben B, Paddy, Nick G, Joe, Jules, Jamie.