Friday, September 19, 2014

EPL picks

Right, with the window well and truly closed and internationals out of the way, here are my picks for how things are going to end up at the end of the EPL season.

1st - Chelsea.  They are looking good and I said right at the beginning if Costa can score 25+ goals they are a shoe-in.  He's looking like he's going to be able to do that (barring injury) with 7 goals in 4 games already.  I think the key man is going to be Fabregas though.  He'll put it on a plate for Costa, and Costa will do what Torres couldn't.  If Costa is out it'll be interesting to see if Remy and Drogba can score the goals, which with that midfield behind them they should be able to.  Hell, Bakky would even be able to score a few with that midfield behind him ;).

2nd - Man City.  It'll be a close run thing, and I don't think there are any real weaknesses in City's team, but I think they'll slip more often than Chelsea will (as they already have).

3rd - Liverpool.  Possibly a big call with no Suarez and Sturridge somewhat injury prone, but if Sturridge can score 20 goals then they should be sweet with Sterling and Balotelli likely to chip in with at least 10-15 each as well.  Will be interesting to see how being in CL effects them, but they have a much bigger squad that should be able to cope if they can settle and gel fast enough.

4th - Arsenal.  I actually have a feeling that they may struggle this year despite all the hype around Sanchez.  Ozil sucks and isn't going to get better, and their front like strikers are a joke.  Their midfielders have always been their strength at a lot will come down to whether they can do the scoring.  I think they'll just scrape in.

5th - Man U.  I had them picked for 6th or 7th until they signed ADM, but he might just be a key.  They've made a stack of signings and depending on how well they settle into the PL will determine how well they do.  Blind, Herrera, Rojo, ADM and Falcao have meant that Mancs are getting all hot and sweaty, but their D is so terribly bad (and this is coming from a Liverpool supporter!) that if a team manages to shut down the midfield supply to their strikers, they will concede.  While their strikers have got good names I think they'll all past it and I don't pick any of them to do the damage that is needed to get them back into CL.  It'll be a close run thing but Arsenal will pip them by 3 points.

6th/7th - Everton/Tottenham in either order.  I thought that Tottenham might have pushed for a top 4 spot this year with a more settled team and a new coach who seems good, but after getting spanked by Liverpool I think it'll be same old same old.  Will have some good performances and some shockers.  Same with Everton.  I thought that they might do ok this year but they haven't started great, although have already played Chelsea and Arsenal so maybe they'll do alright.  Hard to say.

After that you'll have Swansea, Southampton, and let's throw a wild card in there and say Leicester will make top 10.

I think it's all going to be pretty close once again though.  Last year from 1st to 7th there was 22 point in it (7 from 1st to 4th).  I'll say from 1st-7th this year there'll be 15 points in it.

Thoughts?  Make your picks.

And Fantasy Premier League?  I'm smoking everyone (as per.  Last year was a blip).  Tim's win last year was a last in the year pan and he sucks this year.  Gerald looks like he might be ok again.  Aaron has already panicked and played his wildcard but like Arsenal, write him off at your peril (like how I've compared you to Arsenal Aaron?).  Nick Goodall, despite having played the game for years, still has no idea of tactics.  Everyone else?  They all enter a team, they all suck, and they all give up. ;)

1 comment:

energy24.7 said...

My picks are all ready to go. Just need access back...