Sunday, August 3, 2014

BNU beaten, Stallions win, the wind and mud appludes

That was a great hard graft, no frills win. BNU's first loss of the season. The run in to the end of the season is going to be interesting, we can't afford to drop a point if we want second.

Stallion to Tim for a few quality saves, Rauru pony for missing one of our greatest wins ever due to an ante-natal group retreat!

(Match report writing duties to Tharron as the reserve pony).



tshanley14 said...

Great Stuff lads!

Unknown said...

Top Stuff!

Rauru said...

You think you had to graft hard for the win?! I challenge any of you to spend a weekend with 16 adults and 10 babies all under the age of two. THAT was a hard graft! I deserve the Stallion more than the Pony! Stoked for the win though lads. The news provided a good energy boost right when it was needed most!

Unknown said...

Inspiring stuff guys. Once Heartbreaker nicked that 1st goal it was all one-way, but it wasn't easy. A keeper pulling off saves he would've been stoked with 20 years ago, a rock-solid backline led by the 'T-Rex', a midfield that tackled hard, ranging runs from Paul up front(!), plus Carrick - did he run a half-marathon in the 2nd half? bring on the Staccies. Heath