Saturday, July 19, 2014

The pasting of Petone

Good win today guys.  Some great football played with a lot of passes strung together.

Scorers (assists) are:
Rauru (Heath)
Bakky (Paddy)
Carrick (Rauru)
Lloyd (?)
Carrick (?)
Paddy (Carrick?)
Rauru (Gerald)
Heath (Rauru)

Nominations needed for Pony/Stallion too.

Lot of missed goals.  Any terrible ones?  Can't think of anything, except...
A certain T Walker with a blatant handball to give away a penalty to give up a clean sheet before being moved up front to try and break his duck and to walk the talk which so often comes out of his mouth.  He wasn't exactly jumping at the chance (surprisingly, since he's such a bloody expert at what strikers should be doing ;) ), but did so and was given a golden opportunity to get off the mark this season after being put through one on one with the keeper.  The list of scorers above is an indication of how that one on one went!

Again, not a huge amount of things that I can think of.  There was a player who looked a bit like this though
Not sure if 'Stallion' would be the most appropriate name for the award though...

Leave your thoughts/votes in the comments.


Rauru said...

Or how about Pony for Lloyd for promising his family a nice warm clubrooms to watch the game in and have some nice hot chips, only to leave them freezing cold on the sidelines and having to leave early. Sad guy ;)

Unknown said...

Bakky assist with carrick and lloyd i think. if not both i know it was one of them and involved in the other, they were similiar goals...

I must admit there were a lot of one on one's for a certain person, who fail again to finish them off...

Unknown said...

Heaths was from a corner i think, came from Rauru.

Rauru said...

Are you talking about me missing one-on-ones Bakky? Can't be expected to score them all! I've missed more one-on-ones than you've *had* one-on-ones so don't come at me with that! ;)

Unknown said...

i was talking a bout carrick :-)