Sunday, May 13, 2012

Losing streak broken, 2nd hatrick

Afterwards Rauru commented he could not decide if he was most like Suarez or Carroll.

Have you called the club yet to get yourself onto that honours board again rauru? Although lets not forget some of those other shameful moments (which I'm sure will come out in Logan's match report).

Don't want to spoil the report, but for those of you not there:
Stallions 6 (Rauru 3, Logan, Tom and Lloyd Oggie), Nth Wgtn 2 (Angry, Furious). Tang lucky to leave Jville in one piece.

Stallion: Tom - hitting the back post, getting onto the cross and taking the collison. Bleeding for the team always helps for Stallion votes).  A new entry into the goal of the season poll to your right.

Pony: Logan, A yellow card for dissent (which he tried to pass off to Tristin!).

3 Rauru - hat trick, a glorious assist, great decision to start into the wind. Nicely done.
2 Logan - dissent, 40 meter attempts and absence of passing aside, a damn good game.  Played the AM role well.
1 Shit - I forget - was it Robin for being a nice guy?

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