Monday, September 5, 2011

The Stallisons

In honour of Saturday's festival of football and courtesy of the Brazil football name generator, here is last Saturday's lineup (disclaimer - numbers are probably wrong, but positions should be ok):

1. Daniisco
2. Walkeiro Da Costa
3. Daviinho
4. Pimo
5. Winhosa Da Costa
6. Kilfeiro
7. Listeiro
8. Maldo
9. Beca
10. Walka
11. Jasa

12. Claudio Robino
13. Logson

Non-playing reserves:
14. Claudio McLeao
15. Butchio
16. Hetaldo
17. Whitinho
18. Joisco
19. Colliezo
20. Leppisco

Classic Stallions:
21. Julcos
22. Wisco
23. Ludlimo da Costa
24. Bardo


purely belter said...

What no Fred or George you know good traditional Brazilian names ;P

Jamie said...

HAHA, these should be used on the Team cards next year