Saturday, September 3, 2011


As we contemplate the final game of a damn good season and think back on some truly heroic performances (Rauru attempting to chip the keeper, Spencer chopping the guy above the shinpad etc etc), its time to salute two of the most valiant Stallion-like performances of the season: Joe and Nick.

Both were struck down with longterm lingering injuries early on in what were clearly going to be breakout seasons (Nick was heading towards a 10 assists, 5 goal season, Joe was going to bring the clean sheets, a couple of sneaky goals, and perhaps a red card or 2!). But damn, you two have been amazing team players this season: showing up to games (Nick was unfortunately there last week, almost jumping onto the field!), chipping into the blog and email comments, always pushing us on, and then there were those weekly response to the 'who is out this week' emails. They pretty much followed the same pattern - Joe piping up immediately with 'I might be ok, I'll get back to you later in the week', soon followed by ' I'm out, hopefully next week', while the older, wiser Nick would be all 'I'm out, go hard' from the start.

The prospect of you both coming on for cameo appearances today was outstanding, but it sounds like we won't be seeing either of you in green and gold. Until next season!

Of course, the flipside is that you have been able to do other things, and show us all that we should not spend so much time playing and thinking about playing with a round ball on a muddy field - would the new album and an exciting book project got underway if you were playing regularly? Joe, for example, surely wouldn't have been able to pay recording costs with all those Capital Football fines!

Thanks guys, you have both been brilliant.


Robino said...

I second that. It's been great to see the support on the sidelines. Butch and Panda too, while they were out.

Nick said...

It has been awesome seeing the stallies kick on this year. Better to be on the park than on the sidelines, for sure, but have been loving the entertainment value! Plus the full package of blog posts, strategy talks, fantasy football (on park & off) and post game debriefs at the pub! Love it!