Sunday, May 9, 2010

Stallions Fantasy vs Stokes Valley

In the absence of Aaron and Corey I've decided to take on the role of fantasy points this week as third best in the EPL fantasy (what an honour). I also took the liberty of allocating the bonus points. I thought 3 and 2 was pretty simple, but struggled between the goal and assist of Gus, the all day running and work of Dan, and the solid D of Tangihaere and Joe. In the end I went for Gus, as he would have a had a few more assists if I had a better touch and finish. I also decided not to allocate assists for Gus' and Panda's goals as A) I forgot who gave them, and B) like Panda's goal last week I considered them individual goals and so assists never really came into it.

Paul 1 (60+ min, 2 goals conceded)
Joe 1
Tangihaere 1
Jason 1
Dan 2 (60+ min. Even though played in D for a bit, was playing in mid when goals were scored)
Panda 9 (60+ min, midfield goal, 2bp)
Lloyd 15 (60+ min, 2 midfield goals, 3bp)
Rob 2
Spencer 2
Graham 5 (60+ min, assist)
Gus 10 (60+ min, forward goal, assist, 1bp)
Rauru 2
Hamish 1 (playing <60 min)

No idea of the total points but I'm gonna guess Lloyd is probably setting up a nice lead.


energy24.7 said...

The question I've got is what value are each of the players? Who's the bargain? (especially if people were valued before the season started) Is Lloyd as valuable as Lampard? So many questions...

005 said...

Cheers Rauru, nice work - and it sounds like a good win, well done Stallions. I'll update the running total and let you know who is on top - as you say Lloyd will be up there, though on a per game basis Gus may be pipping him.

Yeah Nick, that's the mystery factor. I thought it would have been a great way to turn the team against me by allocating value to players at the start of the season! Yeah Tangiheare you are only worth 4.1, Robin 2.9) Perhaps next season, this season's stats can be used to allocate player values. But good old Lloyd is certainly starting like a Lampard in fantasy terms (if not on the field ...). Perhaps at the halfway point I will try to find fantasyepl versions of our players.

A pretty arbitary system, just for fun really ...

Anonymous said...

Wotsup lads it's Panda. Are we still having Stallion of the day or what? Don't break with tradition. I'm guessing the bonus points are the same as Stallion points?

005 said...

Someones having a good start to the season huh Panda? Yep mvp points are the same as bonus fantasy points - I agree we have to make sure we award these and pony/stallion after every game. Its tradition.

Rauru said...

Yea, we've been pretty poor on this. Fine sessions will happen after every 2:30 game but it's a bit harder to have with all these 12:30 starts. Certainly the Pony and Stallion need to be kicked off again. Cant break that tradition.

Greevis said...

What does a man have to do to get a MVP Point? An assist, header off the goalline, tackle in the penalty area...

005 said...

Probably more than 3 things in 90 mins!

Nah, I'm hearing you Gmann, happens all the time - this is why we need sessions to discuss such matters!

Rafa said...

Yea I forgot about the header off the goal line - that was a pretty important point in the game too. But if you are trying to claim MVP points for tackling someone, whether it be in the penalty area or not, especially as a defender (as I think you were at the time?), then you're really clutching at straws! Next thing I'll be trying to claim points for shooting the ball (hey, maybe that's what I should be doing, shooting!)

Greevis said...

The point about the tackle was that their striker was clean through on goal in the penalty area, having beaten a couple of defenders including the sweeper.

I think that Paul would probably back me up here in saying that this was not just an ordinary tackle (as opposed to some of that ordinary shooting which we saw plenty of).

Anyway, nuff said, Lloyd, Panda and Gus all had good games and I don't want to come across as more churlish than I already have.

StevieG said...

Churlish, good word...