Thursday, May 6, 2010

Coming soon to a blog near you...

From L-R: Willy, their drunken mate, Jules & Glenn are all but a myth

After the first fine session of the year it was decided that we should put together a family tree in preparation for the Stallions 10 year anniversary in 2011. For the people who check this blog, in order for us to make sure that we have the right information about you, can you comment on this and state what year it was you entered the team for the first time and who it was that was responsible for being you into the team (that way we can beat up whoever it was that brought Hodges into the team...wait...wasn't it Aaron? I guess though without that we wouldn't have such mighty Stallions as Spencer, Paul, Nick, Lloyd and...well...*cough* Paddy *cough*).

Once we get the full list together we will select a Stallions All-Star team ('we' being whoever stays at the pub long enough after the fine session. None of this democratic voting crap) . It's actually mostly been written but we have missed a few gems in amongst all the coal so let us all know.


Rauru said...

And to get the ball rolling:

Joined: 2002
In the team through: Founding member as part of the Weir House deputy wardens.

Ben Hodges said...

Joined 2003: Aaron makes the biggest mistake of his life at a summer bbq and suggests that i should come with him to join his cricket team's winter football team. Aaron's mistake followed by my biggest mistake of my life that of agreeing to his proposition.

Tangihaere said...

2003 with a run on game in 2002. Got to see the black strip in 2002 never to be viewed again. Kind of obvious how i got signed up - head hunted and turned down several international offers to remain committed to no mid-week training!

Ben Hodges said...

For those that have left the team - perhaps indicate a departure date ...for me the end of 2009. And for those who have missed seasons 'fes up.

R said...

Yea good call Ben. There have been a few comings and goings and then comings again. I missed '07 & '08.

purely belter said...

Joined 2007 via Joe almost suffered the Ludlow curse first game up and have been injury prone ever since

Anonymous said...

Joined 2006 (my fifth season this year) via Aaron Ludlow who played his first game on my debut and subsequently broke his leg, never to play again - thus the infamous Ludlow curse was born.

Hairy said...

Joined 2007 as a ring in, Jason said they needed a player so I made my debut at sweeper and after ten mintues was moved up front, something about running across the goal??, offered contract to play the next year in 2008 Honnored with the Stallion of the year award and also my most memorable day scoirng my first Stallion hatrick on my birthday in last game that year. (and clinching the top scorer award from Gus, great batle that one)maanged to get top goal scoer again last year, however at present that seems a long time ago for me !

005 said...

Hey, just saw this post - brilliant - great photo - and I'm glad Willy & Jule's drunken mate gets a mention.

So many memories here already: the drunken bbq when I suggest ben should join this team (I believe the selling point was 'don't worry, we are all crap, its a bunch of cricketers changing codes').

Then being in charge of a game when Jason says his mate Tristin would be good as a sweeper, and then within munutes pushing him upfield after he tried to dribble past 3 players after taking the ball from the goal line. Incidently that was the game against the Raiders where I saw Gus for this first time in years: he nutsed me, I fouled him badly, and next season he was playing for us.

Bringing Ben & Gus into the team - got to be a entry into the All Stars Stallions surely, or at least the hall of shame ...

Let me put a vote in for Jules.

My stats - joined 2003 through Rauru, missed 2 seasons inbetween (possibly 05 & 06)

Greevis said...

Who'd a thunk Jules would have a baby by now, eh?

Rauru, Jules and I all joined the cricketing Stallions at the same time; before they were thusly named, although Rauru didn't play the first game of the season.

I played a single game in the football Stallions 2nd? season, after being called up late to a game at Anderson Park (10 mins before the game, stallions short and desperate and evidently ringing just about everyone). I was living off Ghuznee St at the time, and had to run to the game, which I did, arriving 10 minutes late without boots (let alone team shirt) and running straight on to the pitch.

Have been a regular player (and regularly absent) since the subsequent season.

StevieG said...

Came in 2005 through Joe having never played a game of organized football, still haven't...