Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Don't you go out to Bah-rain, don't go out to the poor Bahrain

Anyone got any better ideas than this for Stallions chants on 14th November?

FYI The Cricket Franchise assembles outside for the first time this season at Kelburn Park. There will be blog...

Sunday, October 11, 2009


And it all ended with a certain clappy captain politely being escorted out of JJ's by a big bouncer. A good end of season, especially good to have Nick there.

For those not there, Corey deservedly took out Stallion of the season, the Butch took home the carrot for colt, and gold ole Ben H pony of the year.

Shock news came in the form of Stallions/pony stalwart Ben H calling an end to his lengthy tenure in the team. Ben, you take a lot of grief, but you will be missed big time. We all expect a final blog entry/memoir of your time in the team.

With the cricketers inability to string more than a sentence and a win together last season, that will be about it on the blog front for a while, that is unless GUnit comes up with a plan.