Monday, March 30, 2009

What happens in preseason, stays in preseason ...

But when the real season starts we should (and I possibly shouldn't be suggesting such a thing) keep a running tally about terrible open goal misses, not just our normal finable average goal misses ...

I'm just glad Tristin wasn't there to rub it in. Not that he could be heard above the howls of laughter.

Great positional play to shrug off one's marker and get to that spot though no? Hodges understands ...


Rauru said...

This was pretty bad but at least he hit the crossbar. Aaron can't even claim that.

StevieG said...
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StevieG said...

Hey, stop embarrassing yourself and return to the backs where you belong!!

005 said...

That's cold Rauru - homie was about 30cm out from the line with no one ahead of him. At least I was on the penalty spot with a charging keeper (though I would have taken hitting the crossbar). And as for you Jason, you will keep (not as bad as Corey ha ha)...

purely belter said...

yeah well, umm fucken horrendous really tbh
lesson learnt and all that