Tuesday, April 5, 2016


As a scorer of towering headed goals and king of back flicks to keeper its fair to say I'm out for a few weeks. 9 staples into 2 head wounds, potential ongoing concussion. And all I could think was, there goes ALL that pre season fitness. 2 weeks until the staples to come out, hopefully will be fine to play after that.

Good luck Stallies, I'll get to as many games as I can as a spectator.


Unknown said...

Result of footy, DIY, or did the wife get you with the saucepan?

005 said...

Either way, I gotta move quicker.

T said...

WTF! how did that happen? you didn't need to beat yourself up that badly about Saturday's performance

Unknown said...

Lads do i need to make a return..?

Rauru said...


Unknown said...

That is horrible, Aaron! All the best for a speedy recovery. We missed you on Saturday!