Sunday, May 10, 2015

Stallions 3, Tawa Bulldogs 2

Bulldog striker eyes up the back of the net
3-2 - its how we do it.  Classic Stallions pre-match, a scramble to get started, a genius decision by the captain to change ends and play into the sun, kick off begins - and then within minutes 1-0 down - the opposite of last week. A great goal though, beautifully lobbed into the net. All on from there ...

Our goals were good - worthy of a sentence each

Carrick (Aaron assist): Graham and then Lloyd clear danger down the right, Aaron through ball to set Carrick off - a hell of a lot to do - 20 meter run, around the keeper, great shot.

Logan (Gerald assist): Second half, absorbing a lot of pressure. Gerald and Heath causing carnage down the left all half, some great interplay results in a cross from Gerald right to Gus's head who nods it in and celebrates Cantona style - like he does this everyday. A GREAT team goal.

Milky (Carrick assist) - goal of the game - possible one of the most simple but perfectly executed. Carrick destroying their D again, fires across an inch perfect ball to Milky who finishes perfectly (joked later that he has upset Carrick found his left foot).

As Dan said in the email, the win puts us to second-  bizarrely with a neutral goal differential!

While we are winning on the park we are losing in terms of bringing drinks to games and also awarding Stallion/Pony. Lets call for nominations again:

Stallion nominations:
Somewhere in there Carrick has to get it - chose your moment really, but probably the ball through to Milky to win the match.

Or, Paul's double point-blank save during the ugliest of goal mouth scrambles was pretty special - how the hell did they not score?

Pony nominations:
Paul - waving their second goal into the net.
Paddy - the worst back pass in the history of the Stallions: waist high, to Paul's left, with quite a bit of power. Paul did amazingly well to control to the point where inevitably the striker took the ball from him - how we recovered there again who knows?


Rauru said...

Awesome stuff lads. Was good to get live text updates from Aaron in the second half.

Jeepers, those two Pony nominations sound like they could get Pony on the year! And Paul making a habit of denying people point blank. Good stuff! And so good to see us up to second. There are some interesting results coming in (Magpies getting pumped twice in a row?).

Yep, as well as not beers being brought we're also not getting match reports which is criminal for the Stallions. So this coming week I'll commit to writing match reports for Brooklyn, Magpies, HHH and Masterton (don't expect essays) and since we're out at Wainui next week and they have a decent clubrooms lets make sure we get back there for a drink.

T said...

By decent you mean, they have a clubrooms

Rauru said...

Haha, staffed clubrooms.