Sunday, April 19, 2015

Uni Stallions 3, Karori Magpies 5

I'll provide the stats - pony Gerald can provide the match report.

Good yarn in the clubrooms afterwards Stallions - and thats what the blog should echo - so lets try to rekindle those old forms (match report, heard on the sidelines etc), and how about a new feature: 'Talk us through that moment'. Can be anything related to a game: moments of heroism, peering behind the red mist, asking Tangihaere to explain his particular take on zonal marking.

Lets start positively - so Gus, accused yesterday of 'being drunk in charge of a backline' - how about you talk us through that goal they scored off our free kick just outside their box? It feels like some Bermuda triangle shit - how the hell did they score off that?

Stallion: Its indisputable - Carrick, 2 goals, 1 assist, hounding their backline all day long.

Pony: More complex - a couple of good nominations: Gus (see above), Paddy somehow managing to get the ref to stop play to give a card for dissent - according to Paddy for politely asking the ref to 'watch the game'.  But like so many ponies, this one didn't even take place in the game. It belongs to a long tradition:

Pre game, Stallions and Magpies line up, walk on together turn to face the huge crowd. The ref asks Gerald 'are you the captain' - he says 'no he's down there doing albatrosses or something' - he takes responsibility and the formalities begin. Enthusiastic Gerald - loving playing skipper and leading the line, jumps out and tries to move down the Magpies line, only for the ref to pull him back and explain that the home team moves down the line, the Stallions stay still (by which time G had tried to shake around 7 hands, all repulsed with awkward laughter). So it restarts and all goes relatively smoothly. At the end the ref shakes the Magpies captain hand, and turns to Gerald who refuses to offer his hand, saying 'we shook earlier' . Another awkward moment ensues. Everybody laughs and a new pony is born.

1 comment:

Rauru said...

Damn I love having the blog back. Jade gets annoyed at my silly giggles at what seems to be nothing but she'll never understand what it's like to be a Stallion.

And how good are handshake fails. The ultimate in awkwardness. That last video is gold. My favourite was the football ref that got denied. Love how he turned it into the ol' smoothing back of the non-existent hair. Awesome that he could have a laugh with Casillas as well.

Looking forward to the "talk us through that moment" or what will probably be known more as "What the *&%# were you thinking?!". Very appropriate to start with Gus' DIC (and yes, I realise how that could be misinterpreted).