Thursday, August 8, 2013


 Some cool infographics on where most assists and goals come from on the field, check it:
Assists - Source
Where assists come from

And the chart in the comments shows that in the EPL you need about 10 passes from inside the box to create 1 goal.  What would the stallions charts look like?


Unknown said...

The main thing I get from this article is that we need to have a striker sitting somewhere between the 6 yard box and penalty sport pretty much permanently (when that position is not offside and we have the ball), ready for that pass.

Rauru said...

You'll have to ask Paddy. #assistking

005 said...

Yeah, exactly - Paddy takes a corner, then another, a free kick, drills crosses in from the left from the right - a great season of assists from the Assist King.

Lets go Stallions - game day!