Monday, April 30, 2012

Support the Ball Carrier

Micheal Caine has got it right. Unless you are channeling Pele, pass, let the ball do the work.


StevieG said...

Classic film!

StevieG said...

Actually, you're our version of Pele aren't you Gus??

005 said...

I think this was the point Jason, not very subtly made too! Mind you after seeing Suarez's screamer on Sunday I recalled Gus's effort from just over the half way line which pretty much everybody laughed at! Should have done the Pele.

purely belter said...

Great at old Trafford not good at nairnville in july

StevieG said...

4-2-3-1 this week Rafa?

005 said...

Yep, shoring up the midfield a damn good idea, possibly confirmed after seeing this on the Raiders facebook:

Difficult game yesterday and Wests deserved their 4-1 win (even if one was a pen and at least two goals came from defensive howlers). Us boys in the midfield spent most of the game chasing the ball, don't think I've ever run so much for such little reward! I thought Haike had an excellent game wide left, Jules' goal was just reward as he got hammered by their big defenders all day, and (as we're seeing most weeks), Ethan made a number of brilliant saves. Wests are very, very good and deserve to win this division in a canter. We're still second, ahead of Lower Hutt on goal difference. We wer well-beaten but we're gonna finish second in this grade. Brickbat to Wests clubrooms, who don't sell beer till 4pm???

T said...

"We're gonna finish second in this grade"?

That's a bit premature I think. Need to put this up on the changing room wall for motivation

005 said...

Yeah, agree about the second place call, they got us on a bad day (the first of 2) but we would go into both return games expecting to win right?