Tuesday, January 27, 2009

New Signing

The University Stallions are proud to announce the signing of a M Ferrante, picked up on a free transfer from Pleasecanweoffloadthisguy FC. Ferrante will participate as an extended squad player, and is likely to struggle in Capital Soccer Div 6 where a player is expected to be able to control and pass the ball at least 30% of the time, make the odd tackle, and where shots blazing 20 meters above the cross bar are met with roars of laughter rather than consolatory pats on the back.

Ferrante will join up with his new teammates at the notoriously gruelling Stallion's preseason training 10 mins before kickoff of the first game.


Anonymous said...

Ha Ha Ha Ha...

Anonymous said...


purely belter said...

it's alright gus holds onto to the ball most of the time anyway ;)

Gustona said...

I've been to sharing classes over the summer ,and will be distributing wildly down both wings, to the outside halves, and god forbid, to left back for the liverpool corner searcher!

purely belter said...

turning up after the game kicks off doesn't count as sharing :P

sorry i'll get my coat ...