Thursday, October 2, 2008

Backyard Challenge.

Backyard Challenge! Stallion pride at stake.


The time has come to sort something out. 


No, not Rauru’s bowling action- the drunk-old-man-stumbling-down-a-slippery-bank-with-his-arm-in-a-cast style has apparently been put out of its misery, since he salvaged his pride with a sneaky (and timely) ‘don’t call me, Graham’ before heading back to these shores. 


No, I'm referring to the small matter of establishing dominance, ascendancy, ownership and general awesomeness. The time has come for the two sets of Stallions to go head to head. In lieu of any challenge from the mud-scrubbing dribblers, the gauntlet is being laid down. This is also a chance for us to kick off our cricket season, welcome some new-ish faces, drink a few beers, and hassle Aaron, the undisputed bridesmaid of backyard. I’m sure the soccer Stallions will be up for the challenge, especially since most of them are failed cricketers…


The Venue: The cricketing Stallions have a long-running, totally informal association with Mt Cook School on Tory Street. This also means we’re relatively close to The Southern Cross.


The Date: Um, what do you guys reckon? We have potential warm up games over the next few weekends, but possible options are Saturday/Sunday the 11th /12th or the 18th/19th. Probably look for an early afternoon start, to give us plenty of time to be done and dusted before bad light can save the Ponies. Obviously, if you’re keen you’ll put your preference forward, and we’ll sort it that way.


By the way, for cricketing Stallions, we’ve taken over this blog now that all of that footsie business is finished. This is the place to come to check up on what’s happening with the team, to make sure you’re heading to the right place on Saturday, to post any items of interest, and to talk an enormous load of bollix. If you’re interested in chiming in with a post (since my incredible techno-skills may potentially leave you feeling as unfulfilled as Mike Sleyer after only three steak and cheese pies), let me know. Otherwise, winding others up is incredibly easy (see Rauru’s inevitably lame come back in the comments).


Choice, let me know what day suits you guys, and we’ll make it happen.


The Hop said...

The draw has gone up for the season. We're starting (25th Oct) against Collegians at everyone's favourite, Ian Galloway.

Anonymous said...

So a Stallions vs Stallions backyard challenge huh? Easy. Most of us would easily walk into the cricketing stallions lineup (but have like, lives you know - and have better things to spend an entire summer of Saturdays on)it would only be fair to play both codes in a backyard form .... Greg steaming down the left wing stepovers galore - classic.

Oh yeah, we get Robin - he ain't playing for you this season - you can have Rauru.

The Hop said...

Football? Easy. Done. I've Ben Brookes can mope around in goal, I'm sure I have right levels of moodiness and cynicism to match.

You can have Rob, Rauru, and any other lame duck backyarders.

What do you reckon about a test match format? And dates?

Rauru said...

Hey!!! What the f**k?! Leave me the f**k alone alright!!