Saturday, August 2, 2008

Player Profile - Tim O'Leary

Bob has added Tim as number 1 in his 'to do' list

With more rain another week of cancelled football decends on the Soccer Stallions. So again it is up to the London Touch Stallions to provide the entertainment. This time it's the turn of Tim. You've read his match reports, you've heard his bitching, and he even managed to go one step further than Morgan Changarai by ousting the Stallions Mugabe.

Halves (Ed: Gotta love how everyone in the touch team is going to claim that their position in in the halves. Do we even have positions in the team?)

Stallion Hall of Fame:
Being the current Team Captain after Rauru “Mugabe” Walker threw his toys... An honour and a privilege. Most fines for ref abuse, in all honesty I can’t help it... They’re shit!

How many seasons as a Stallion?
Currently in my second season for the London branch

Are you a dual Stallion?
If so what game are you best at? Just Touch at moment, according to the Mrs I am a dual... (But don’t ask her ‘cos she’ll just deny it... Pew! Pew!) Nah in all honesty there have been rumours floating round that Rauru may be setting up a Stallions Volleyball Franchise over the Northern Winter, but at the mo there is only one Code up here. (Ed: Really? Was this volleyball idea decided at the post match drinks session cause I have no memory of this)

Greatest Stallion Moment?
Was on fire the whole game got a couple of tries, set up a couple and as consequence the confidence brimming over. As always there was some cheeky off the ball stuff and words in the opposition ears.... Aaanyway got into a bit of a scrap he got sent off, and I got Stallion!

Worst Stallion Moment?
In all honesty none, although being told to “f**k off “or “shut the f**k up” and then apologising at half time/full time takes some pride swallowing. Also when I tackled myself... luckily only a few fellow Stallion’s saw.

Describe your last try for the Stallions.
Maybe 15 metres out from the line and standing at first receiver, I showed the ball to the defence and shimmied outside my marker and through the gap.

Complete the sentence - As a player I am susceptible to ...
Getting angry, telling the ref how to do his job, expending all my energy yelling from the sideline, not subbing enough.

Most under-rated Stallion?
Dan Wharakura... Every week he plays (sometimes he has to cancel Stallion’s for Soccer) he manages to score a couple or set up a couple. Everyone else blows hot and cold but Dan is consistent every week. Honourable mention to Hooky, despite getting fined heavily and having no gas always seems to be in amongst it each week.

Finish this sentence. The Stallions need more?
Testosterone and Discipline. Testosterone to stop us bitching so much and start manning up. Discipline because our drives let us down every week despite us talking about them... every week. Also Cheerleaders, every week I hear about Cheerleaders but none ever turn up.

Which international player are you most like?
Was going to say Carlos or Dan Carter... But the reality is I’m like Andre Nel, the Saffa fast medium pacer. Apparently he has an alter ego called “Gunther” that he brings out occasionally to deliver beamers and bouncers. I’m a bit angry, competitive, don’t like loosing and yell and swear and curse on the pitch, but off it I’m fine.

Where will the Touch Stallions finish in 2008?
Top 2 – Our single loss was very unlucky and if we can get to the final...Sweeeet

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