Monday, March 31, 2008


Okay lads
Here is my casual attempt at sorting out ‘tactics’ for the season. Lets be honest, I use the word tactics in a very loose manner but it’s good to go into the season with a bit of a plan as to how we are going to go about winning the league, and understanding our and everyone else’s roles.

So I had a little bit of fun in excel to come up with the following technical display of our proposed formation, using a 4-3-3 after feedback last year questioning the 3-5-2 - and my lazy mans role of sweeper ;) !!

Overall I think this will let us keep our strong central midfield, continue to use the wings and crosses which are dangerous but simple, it opens up plenty of space, provides numbers in defence and a chance for all to attack.

Now this is how I see the roles of each of the positions:

CB Mark strikers, support wing backs and CM's to help create space in attack, communicate constantly with each other

LB/RB Mark strikers, sweep when ball on opposite side, support midfield and wingers, cross ball, communicate with CB's, get wide on attack and narrow on defence

CM Support CB's, mark midfielders (especially at edge of area), create space, distribute to all areas of the park (especially through balls for wings), support AM and Forwards, hold run on crosses, back yourself to shoot when within range

AM Sit right behind ST, get into the box, assist CM's in defence, attack crosses with venom, shoot!

LW/RW Stay wide on attack, make plenty of runs, cross the ball, cut in and shoot, squeeze in on defence to assist midfield, hold attacking run to clean up and finish any crosses from opposite wing

ST Stick on last man to lengthen field and create space for midfield, hold the ball up (use AM behind), beat your man, use wingers, attack crosses, shoot, shoot, shoot

In the defensive third, mainly around the goal box, we should all be tightly man marking, especially on set pieces.

Now of course we still want plenty of variety and cross over between roles, which all helps keep the opposition guessing, just remember to communicate or it's wasted.

Also, I know you have probably all got differing ideas on each of these roles and descriptions, that’s fine and I am more than happy to get discussions going after the game for how we should change or adapt things but the main thing early on is that we all understand and buy into the same strategy.

Looking forward to the weekend


1 comment:

005 said...

Top work Nick, a summer of thinking has clearly gone into that! Definitely worth playing with 4 across the back. Your little diagrams always make it look so easy. The team will clearly fall behind this grand vision (and then probably just fall over). Since it took about 20 mins to work out what AM is i guess I won't be playing there.