Thursday, May 30, 2013

Stallions v Marist: the report (as correct as I can recall)

The track was sticky, rough but ready. Marist looked mean and well kitted out in matching gear. Their training drills and organisation was on display and they looked like a team and a half. Little did we know that that half was going to leave it’s mark later on. The weather had done it’s best to unravel our run but fortunately the elements had abated to give the pitch a few days to go from sodden to tacky. The sun made up for the chill in the air and uncharacteristically the wind was down to a mild swirl.

The tone of the match was set when Marist placed 10 men behind the ball and our defence got to pick their noses while the midfield and forwards played in the muck. From the sideline, we could see how effective Heath and Lloyd were in the middle. The opposition spent much of the time without the pill and chasing their shadows. But for all the forays forward it took about15 minutes before Tom sashayed up the left flank and dropped in a sharp flat cross which was met by Carrick(?) who clipped the ball into the back of the net with ease.

Lloyd steamrolled through the centre of the pitch, all the way to the penalty area. It was a continuation of his strong performance and he faked a pass to me and knocked the ball in behind the last defender. The he muscled in behind, holding me off, to take the shot which was straight at the hapless keeper. It ricocheted off the keepers chest and just beyond the nearby Stallions. Lloyd’s play so far this year really deserves a goal and this was a guilt edged chance so expect him to be fired up again to get off his duck.

Panda made his 2013 appearance and didn’t disappoint. Several solid pieces of play and some tricky bits of skill to stupefy the Marist defence. One such move saw him glide past 2 defenders, left then right only to get his left/right brain muddled and he collapsed in a twisted heap on top of the ball. Still, with some fitness you could imagine yet another attacking option for the Stallions coming to the fore.

It was evident that there were a few too many flicks and hopeful touches rather than firm passes and a lot of possession was squandered, much to Marist’s relief. The consolation was that every time we turned the ball over it came straight back to us and when you have possession of nearly 70% you can afford to lose a bit of it. Gus and Carrick were gainfully employed getting a fair share of the ball but it was difficult to play in the mud and congestion and still be able test the keeper. That said, there was enough heat on the keeper to suggest doubts on his competence. Another run along the baseline from Tom and a cross struck hard into the danger zone resulted in an own goal to the Marist but you could tell Tom would be adding to his Fantasy points tally in this game.
Interestingly, you could count the fleeting attacks by Marist on one hand during the first half yet at least three of them resulted in shots of sorts. Wayward as the shooting was, it did offer a glimmer of potential for them but you couldn’t call it much more than a small sparkle. The best through ball they got was a possible back pass from Paul but ultimately they had little to offer once they hit the final third.  Dan had one high shot to deal with but it was a fairly simple half when all is said and done. It looked likely that the Defence and Midfield were likely to prosper from a clean sheet. Tangi was a colossus in the backline providing real backbone and distribution when the ball appeared in our half.

Though the opposition looked meek in all positions it was their centre midfield threesome that showed some ability. The Argentine looked sharp and skilful but beating our players in his defensive third was never really going to help them much. The two shorter chaps also had some promise but dropping a striker back to the midfield meant that even when they had short periods of possession there was no one to pass it on to as their wide halves disappeared into the ether. I’m sure that Joe and Paul felt lonely out wide with little to do but get cold and bored.

On the turn at halftime, the conversation was pretty positive with a hint of frustration at the scoreboard but it was hard to fault the general play in the slippery conditions. Certainly the endeavour was there and you can’t argue with the relative ease with which the goals came.

The second half saw more play down the right flank with Patrick, Krip and Carrick linking up on numerous occasions along with the odd massive punt from Dan with all moves creating real threats. Gus and Paddy linked up resulting in each of them scoring and assisting the other. Tom also managed to benefit from play on the other flank which saw him cap off another strong performance with yet another goal.

This half proved to be a little more free flowing with Marist making a little more endeavour but in the main, the more they extended forward the more pressure they faced when they lost the ball. We saw more entertaining linking play from the backline with Krip and Joe, Paul and Aaron moving the ball about, largely without fuss. One particular moment comes to mind when the ball was gracefully played about before Aaron tried to thread a pass though the midfield only to lay it onto one of the vertically challenged Marist players. Aaron to his credit saw fit to atone for the pass by attempting a tackle, only to be beaten yet he managed to turn, chase and hack the player down. A yellow card offence. The groans where audible from all quarters, yet asking the ref to send him off seemed most unlikely. The resulting free-kick has seen great interest on the Blog, both from the application of rules (or lack thereof) and the heated exchange that seems to have resulted in the allocation of Pony. I will let the relative inconsistencies of Pony allocation speak for themselves and would suggest that speaking one’s mind pales in comparison to common assault.

Gus made an inspiring move into the Marist goal-box only to be chopped down like an unwanted rats-tail yet the ref was looking elsewhere and the formality of a penalty was lost. The irony was as Gus lay on the ground, on top of the ball, he was called for deliberate handball. A yellow card offense. Gus also collected a beauty of a through ball from Carrick, delightfully played into space, but from 7 yards he blazed the ball past the far post (if only just).

Carrick was also the beneficiary of a lovely piece of play that involved 7 players, stretching the ball from the right side of the defense to the middle, back to the left defense, back across to the rightside. Then a huge cross field ball to Panda's shin back to Paddy (or Tom) who crossed the ball onto Carrick's forehead and it just whisked passed the far post. Simply entertaining classy footy.

By this time the opposition was feeling a bit bitter and vented at most opportunities, be it the ref, the nearest play or a loose leg. By rights they had little to complain about. Yes some of the calls could have gone their way but the result looks to have flattered them, the pitch reigned in the scoreline and the bit of magic by the half pint was perhaps the most gifted individual move in the match. This move saw the little fella collect the ball 10 metres out of the penalty area, jinking and skipping he managed to evade 4 would be defenders, making it to inside the penalty area before opening out and slotting the ball inside the far post. Admittedly the fear of cutting him down perhaps enabled him to get as far as he did but anyone pulling that off deserves some credit. The biggest surprise was that Aaron “the hatchet” was one of those 4 so perhaps 'the earlier injustice was served.

A tricky call as it was a good all round team performance but in the end MVPs do stand out: Tom (3) not for any particular moment more for yet another high performance game. He is often the crucial contributor in the attacking third.  Tangihaere (2) his pure muscle stunted any attack that came his way. It was just the sort of performance we will need this weekend. And Carrick (1) for tireless work up front and some silky passes which will get us goals as the season continues. Stallion: Tom. The Stallion moment was discussed in the pub and hasn't made it to the media as yet. Another contender would have to be Lloyd’s 2 forays from halfway for at least 30 metres, toying with the Marist players with ease. I thought this was pure magic for a midfielder. As for Pony, the selectors chose me, Tim. However hard done by, non attendance at the pub comes at a cost, it’s a lesson. Pony is firstly about fallibility and secondly about avoidance. If you fall into the first category, you need to have an avoidance strategy and that starts by getting your ass down to the pub. And as I get the last word as far as the match report goes I would suggest options Pony is amongst the following options:

  1. Tim: for the heated debate over the rules of the game (see Blog)
  2. Aaron: for the ferocious attack from behind on the smallest player on the pitch and at the second attempt.
  3. Lloyd: choking from 6 yards after a sizzling run of 30 metres instead of passing to a free player or leaving it to a striker.
  4. Gus: for choking from 7 yards after Carrick’s beautiful through ball
  5. Rauru: for creative umpiring decisions.
  6. Rauru: for dismissing the certain penalty when Gus was cut down in the opposition goal box.
  7. Panda: as much said in the report above but as he’s not a regular and we need someone to wear the pinks best leave the attire to someone else.
Meanwhile, lets starting thinking about the battle ahead. Based on the games we've had these guys are easily our equals if not a little better on attack. They've leaked more on defense and struggled in a surprising match against Lower Hutt. They did demolish Olympic and Wainui and those results are telling in terms of capability. This is a season defining game. Win it and we have a cushion in case we have a hiccup. Draw it and we stay in the running. Lose and we need to rely on other teams to help us out which does us no favours. The game will be won by solid defense, possession and obviously by scoring. The latter is less important in that we have proven we can be patient and score. This will be a game where we work hard, support each other and we can get the rewards, but we will only achieve this as a focused unit.

Monday, May 27, 2013


Who is going to tell Tim he got the pony?

Friday, May 24, 2013

Stallions 2 - 0 Wainui

Wainui's goalkeeper

There's not much to be said that hasn't already been said.  Without Wainui's superhuman goalkeeper the score would have been a lot more.  6'4", agile as an agile thing and with pecks that make ladies blush, he puled off a number of saves that kept Wainui in the game a lot longer than they deserved to.  

0-0 going into half time, the Stallions had the better running of the whole half.  It felt like it was going to be a matter of time before we scored, but we needed some kryptonite.  As it turned out we didn't.  We just needed Tim.  As a corner from the left was swung in, Superman came for the ball but missed and Tim was on hand at the far post to nod in.

This was after Graham had pulled off a Superman save of his own at the other end to keep the game at 0-0 in one of Wainui's only shots on target of the game (he was to later repeat the feat with the score at 1-0.  I think he was only called on to make 3 saves which makes them all the better.  Hard to stay focused when nothing is coming your way).

As the clock wound down and I was getting anxious at the level of attacking football we were still trying to play (no running the clock down for Stallions 2013!) the game was secured with a swift counter attack that was finished with a cheeky chip (was that a shin to a bobbling ball?) over the onrushing keeper.

Odd that it was possibly our best game of the season yet our smallest winning margin.  Gotta love football.

As for why I'm writing this report?  I don't think there has been a faster Pony moment in Stallion history (actually yes there has, 10 points if anyone can remember what it was!).  We have the kick off, Gus rolls the ball forward to me, I slip, semi recover, stride forward, kick the ball, pull my hammy.  Game over.  All in 1.58sec.

If it wasn't for that then Paddy would have been a shoe-in.  A terrible dive in the box, a couple of misses and a woosy pants assist for the final goal when he could have scored himself because "I didn't want to anger the big man".  Quote unquote.

Stallion is Graham for a huge save at 0-0 which took his clean sheet minutes to over 300.  Should make team of the week.

Since I have the power of the match report, I also get power of the MVP points.  A lot of talk about it, and with everyone (except this writer) worthy of points it was a very hard decision.  But the points go to:

3 - Gerald.  His combination with Tom has been huge the last two weeks (and they've alternated between playing mid and D).  It's given width and a solid way to bring the ball out from the back.
2 - Heath - Owned the center of the park with Dan.  He gets the points rather than Dan because he actually passed the ball and we want to reward him with positive praise (not that Dan didn't, but as a teacher you reward children when you see positive behaviour that you want to continue to happen ;) )
1 - Tom.  See reasons for G.

Tim - You're on fantasy points.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Return of the Red

This colour card was pulled twice in our games last season - once for an attack on Gus (he got the Pony award for it as it was disgraceful) and once when Gus did the attacking (he got the Pony award for it as it was disgraceful).  Speaking of which, since I probably won't be playing on Saturday, looks like Gus will wear the headband.

He's back.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Raiders struggling

Raiders match report

Alright boys, let's put last night behind us and move on. As Grant pointed out, we were quite flat. Marist are a decent side but I think, overall, we're a better team than the performance (5-3 loss) suggested.

Too many passes not going to players and Joe left stranded more than once. Couple of cracking Marist goals though. I think individual errors were pretty costly... but that's football and we had plenty of bright moments - Mike, in particular, scored a beauty of a goal (great buildup involving Andy T and Jules) and he was like a man on a mission all night.

Grant would be filthy if I didn't mention his goal. I managed to get my head (more like my face) to head one down into the area from a corner and it bounced kindly for the big man, who absolutely buried it. Cue tearing back to halfway, arms aloft. Well-deserved.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Brains Trust

Fantasy EPL Results 2012-2013 Season - too easy.

# Team Manager GW TOT
1 005 Aaron L 51 2,151
2 Poroufessor Rauru Walker 56 1,970
3 koomes Daniel Wharakura 50 1,968
4 Porirua City Jason Aitofi 23 1,943
5 South Coast Taniwha Nick Goodall 43 1,772
6 Miracle of Istanbul Patrick Sawyer 56 1,765
7 Portman Rd Plodders Graham Mann 55 1,735
8 LL Lachlan Lepper 32 1,643
9 Team Indifferent Paul Kilford 19 1,449

Monday, May 20, 2013

Heard on the Sidelines - the injury edition

"I've got groin strain from last wkd and indoor, which hasn't settled down. I will still come down Saturday and play if really really need to, but otherwise will fill a spot on the subs bench." - Gerald via email. Yep, we really really need you G!

"Keen for a run? We've got 13 but a few carrying injuries so could use 1 more for cover" Rauru text to Gus. 'Cover' is code for '90 minutes'. Everyone knows that.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Khal Drogo finally defeated

Good win today against Wainui. Missing their talisman play-maker Bruno, the Undertakers roped in Khal Drogo to play in goal and f*ck was he good!

Nominations for Stallion / Pony? Hard to go past _that_ save from G-man, or pulling a hammy with literally the second kick of the game. Where was the pinkage this week - isn't that an automatic re-pony offense?

My nominations for MVP points (in no particular order) Tom, Carrick, Graham

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Fantasy points vs North Wellington Wolves

I forgot to add this photo with my match report last week.  It summed up my day.  At the pub afterwards, having a beer and a wedge, and a big dollop of sour cream ends up in my drink.  The upside is that we've worked out the punishment if you don't score a goal this season - skull a beer with a BIG dollop of sour cream in it!

Graham - 60+, CS, 3 saves = 8
Tangihaere - 60+, Defensive Clean Sheet = 7
Paddy - 60+, DCS = 7
Tim - 60+, DCS = 7
Tom - 60+, DCS, D goal, 3bp = 17
Lachlan - 60+, DCS, D goal = 14
Chris - 60-, CS = 6
Gerald - 60+, Mid CS, assist = 7
Lloyd - 60+, MCS, 2bp = 7
Heath - 60+, MCS, M goal = 9
Carrick - 60+, MCS, M goal, assist, 1bp = 13
Bakky - 60+, assist = 5
Rauru - 60+ = 2 :(

Goals (assists) - Carrick (Bakky), Tom (Gerald), Lachlan (none given), Heath (Carrick)

Stallion - Tom for his cracking strike from 30 out.  
Other contenders include Lachlan for his goal from 30 out (up there with Tom's but it was a shit first touch that put him in position and he slipped as he kicked the ball) and Chris for taking down a man literally twice his size.  Getting called a 'maggot' was good entertainment value as well.

Pony - Bakky for his disgraceful bakky-healed attempt at scoring when he could have paid it on a plate for G (the fact that G would have blazed over anyway doesn't matter).  His attempt at saying there was a man in between them when the only thing between them was 3m of fresh air, and his 5-year-old-boy cry of "Mummy!  Why won't they pass it to me on the left!" tops it off.
Other votes went to Graham for charging out of goal only to clear the ball straight to their strikers, then walking back to the penalty spot to pick daises while the defenders threw themselves about trying to maintain the clean sheet, and Paddy for the ultimate in unStallion-like behaviour of kicking one of their players off the ball like a petulant child after a minor tussle.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Fantasy vs Rebels

As usual late and probably wrong.


Graham 60+, 1/2 D clean sheet, mf goal, 2bps 11

Tangihaere 60+, c/s 7
Paul 60+, c/s 7

Joe 60+, c/s 7

Paddy 60+, assist 5
Lloyd 60+, assist 5
Aaron 60+, c/s 7
Gerald 60+, goal, 1bp 7
Heath 60+, 2 goals 10

Bakkie 60+, 4 assists, 1 goal, 3bps 21
Rauru 60+, 2 goals 10

Bakkie  56
Rauru  43
Tim  42

Wednesday, May 8, 2013


Jason's Facebook page was a hive of activity tonight with the announcement that Man U are going to suck next year.  Discussion turned to why Moyes and why he should or shouldn't be the manager.  I said that he doesn't have any qualifications in terms of dealing with egos which started off this little thread.  Gotta love Joe for sticking up for one of his own!  Love your work Joe!

And for the record, I hope that Moyes does get the job.  That'd make both Everton and Man U shitter which as a Liverpool fan is the best possible outcome!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Stallions 7 - 0 North Wellington Rebels

It’s not often that you sit down at the pub after a 7-0 win and the mood is somewhat low, but that seemed to be the case after the latest win.  There didn’t seem to be much intensity which is probably to be expected when you aren’t met with much intensity, but when you put 7 goals past an opponent and could easily have had at least 3 more, things must have been going well.
The Stallions defence was largely untroubled and worked the ball around the back with good movement.  Almost all the goals were scored with a number of passes strung together, and I can’t think of any that were scored from outside the box which shows that the tiki-taka style of football is paying dividends.
The Stallions were up 3-0 at halftime with goals to me, Heath and a debut goal for last weeks Pony, Gerald, with Bakky providing the assist for all three.
The first was a well worked move down the left with Bakky putting in a cross which I met with the head and glanced it past the keeper.  1-0.
That shortly became 2-0 when Bakky put in a neat little through ball to G who got there just before the on-rushing keeper and managed to bundle it over the line.
The third came after another ball was whipped in from the left (from a corner maybe?) which Bakky met with his head.  The keeper saved but only managed to parry right into the path of Heath who was following up well to prod it in. 
It should have so easily been 4 but it wasn’t which is why I’m writing this match report.  I think it was Bakky again that put in a neat little through ball which I ran on to.  The keeper came out but I got there first and tapped it past him to his left, leaving me about 18 yards out on the corner of the box.  With an open goal I hit it with my left and watched dismayed as I missed by a good meter or two leaving the crowd roaring with laughter.  Continue laughing fools, your team has conceded 300 goals already this season (or was that Panda and Paddy laughing on the sidelines?).
The second half was much the same.  Bakky prodded in a goal mouth scramble, he provided a tap in for me after jinking to the byline then cutting it back, Heath got on the end of a Paddy corner and nodded home and Graham scored a great goal after Lloyd evaded a few defenders and put in cross which Graham met with his left after running in from right midfield.  Bakky claims that it was 90% shin but I’m pretty sure he’s just jealous since despite being the top goal scorer, none of his goals even come close to being as classy as Graham’s ;).
 Again, amongst all this I earned another nomination for Pony.  Paul put in a defence splitting through ball from the back, I ran on to it, cut back on my left taking out the defender and most of the keeper, and then with my right managed to miss the goal left with about 80% of it being wide open.  However I was not alone in the nominations for Pony and on another day it could have easily been someone else writing this blog.
-          No one will forget Paul’s throw-in in the second half which went twice as high as it did long.  As ugly as it was it was probably a legit throw-in!
-          Joe put in a fantastic cross in the first half.  Unfortunately it was down our end and straight to one of their strikers who was sitting in the box.
-          Paddy’s disgraceful blatant attempt at getting more fantasy points by trying to curl in a corner with his right foot from the right hand corner.  He managed to hit the post but his blatant disregard and lack of respect for the opposition is matched only by Mario Balotelli’s back heal attempt at goal.  We actually gave him Pony for it at the pub but he cried and packed a sad so we felt sorry for him and I got it instead.
-          And had they scored from it, Aaron surely would have got a Pony for his MASSIVE air ball.  Attempting to clear the ball he took a huge swing at the ball and only managed to push it further towards our goal and one of their strikers.  It took a good save from Lachlan to keep the clean sheet.
So after all that, here’s how the breakdown goes:
Stallion – Graham for his great goal.
Pony – Rauru for a shocker of a miss (or two)
MVPs – 3-Bakky (goal and 4 assists), 2-Graham (clean sheet and good goal), 1-Gerald (goal and good work down the left)
Goals (assists) – Rauru (Bakky), Gerald (Bakky), Heath (Bakky), Bakkie (none credited), Rauru (Bakky), Heath (Paddy), Graham (Lloyd)

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Raiders finally speak

Funny what winning does to a team.  Raiders had tons of match reports last year as they just missed out on relegation.  This year they have been non existent.  Sounds like a great win for them today.

Fantastic 4-3 win today after being down 3-1 with about 20 left. This is the Raiders I know and love - digging deep, never settling for a loss or draw, fighting to the death. Lower Hutt were a decent side but we wanted it much more. The win has put us 7th and we have the chance to keep moving up the table next week v the other Nth Wgtn side. Nairnville, 12.30 is the kickoff.

Our one will be up at some stage once Paddy the Pony stops sulking and writes it up for that disgraceful attempt at scoring direct from a corner.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Olympic Fantasy

A boring week fantasy wise!

Dan 60+, 3+ saves 3
Tim 60+, defender goal, 3bps 12
Paul 60+ 2
Paddy 60+, assist 5
Lloyd 60+, 2bps 4
Aaron 60+ 2
Gerald 60+ 2
Heath 60+ 2
Tom 60+, 1bp 3
Bakkie 60+, goal, assist 9
Rauru 60+ 2
Carrick 60+ 2

A defender is on top of the leaderboard:
Tim 42
Bakkie 35
Rauru 33

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Stallions 2 Olympic 2 – early ride on top

Looking back at Saturday 's match, it's hard to picture anything beyond Bakkie's gangnam style come Mr Ed goal celebration.  I'm scarred.

As for the match, we were greeted to sun and a surprisingly good looking Anderson Park track.  Olympic definitely took the early spoils in the pre-match warm-up stakes.  Their seemingly endless pre-match drills were slightly unnerving if not a little tiring to watch.  However, with the Stallions having safely secured the nets with the team bags, it was business time.

The early play saw an interesting exchange or two or seven between the Olympic goalie and Carrick as the goalie passed it to Carrick and he gave a work out to the areas to the left, right and above the goal.   Thankfully, they soon tired of that dance and the other 20 on the park were called into action.

From there the play was hard and fast as both sides tested each other out.  It's not Olympic without a bit of aggro, but once Heath and Demetri had resolved their argument over who had the brightest coloured boots, both teams largely let the football do the talking.  The Stallions had the best of the early running and were unlucky not to pull ahead early (who missed that header?) and saw another goal to [Rauru's] tally belatedly called back for a controversial goal-kick.

In the end it was Olympic who drew first blood with a cracking opening goal.  In from a short corner, the Stallions were guilty of not pushing out early and met with a powerful shot from around 18 yards.  Dan got a touch, but not enough to deflect it away.   From there the match remained tight until Tim found some space in the box and came up with the goods to even the score and round off some great work around the park.  I can't remember the specifics of the goal itself, but I'm told by an anonymous Stallion source that it was "nothing spectacular" so I'll move on.

As the players headed to the tunnel, the match was evenly poised at 1-1.  The first half had certainly been a step up in pace on previous weeks and the injuries were mounting with the original four subs down to one.

However, after a rousing half-time talk, the Stallions seemed to take control of the park in the second half.  Lloyd, Paddy, Heath and Tim dominated the central areas and distributed well to the ever-running flanks.  Against the run of play, the Stallions were then caught out by a quick break, a cross from the left and a powerful header splitting what had been a resolute Stallions defence.   After that the defensive core closed ranks and it's hard to remember Dan being called on to make another save in the game.  Never beaten the Stallions pressed forward in numbers and the final 20 minutes was marked by Rauru, Tom, Bakkie, Carrick and Paul joining the chorus of Stallion shots, headers and teasing crosses flying in from left, right and in front.  On another day we could have had 4, so when Bakkie turned in the box late into the match scoring low to the left to bring the match back level at 2-2, it felt just deserves.  The donkey/horse/Psy impression that followed not so much.

So at the final whistle, Stallions walked away with a well-earned point and the first two goals past Olympic this round.  Four rounds in its tight at the top with only 3 points separating first and fifth.  Polish off those defensive and shooting boots, looks like goal-difference may play a big part if things stay like this.  Next up North Wellington Rebels.
