Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Stallions 2010, the final edition vs Lower Hutt

A moment (or two) of brilliance from an unlikely source was the difference in the final game of the season for the triumphant 2010 Stallions.

The start of the game was delayed due to Lower Hutt being scared to take the field after their humiliation the last time these two teams met. Another beatdown was on the cards with Lower Hutt leaking as many goals in recent games as the Titanic did water. The only beatdown happening however was on the next door field with a massive fight taking place during a rugby match. Everyone was quite enjoying watching handbags being thrown until a little #11, who was throwing as many cheeky punches to people lying on the ground as he could, got laid out by a punch that hit so hard that even Lance Cairns would have heard it (see his recent interview on Campbell Live if you don't get this reference).

After the pre game excitement the real match got underway. The rare green and yellow Panda couldn't be found anywhere, and Lower Hutt only had 11 so couldn't ref so the Stallions started with just the one sub. Lower Hutt started well, their confidence high as they saw that the four goal hero from the last game, R. Walker, was the man behind the whistle. Their pace up front made the Stallions defenders look they were running on a treadmill, but good scrambling by the defence and equally good goal keeping kept out the goals. There were a few nervous moments with stand in keeper Bell parrying the ball onto the crossbar from one cross, as well as parrying another over the crossbar from a direct freekick. The Stallions were also managing to break well with there being a lot of space in the midfield even at this early stage of the game.

It was the set piece however that was to be the undoing of Lower Hutt. After winning a corner, Sawyer sent in an outswinging corner from the right that was met by the head of Wong. The ball seemed to be traveling reasonably harmlessly toward their player standing on the near post however he took a massive swing at the ball and somehow managed to miss it completely. 1-0 Stallions.

Wong was so overwhelmed with his first goal of the season he subbed himself off not much later, before getting behind the whistle himself. The rest of the half continued on without too much drama, other than a decent penalty shout by Lower Hutt with one of their players going down in the box. Replays suggest however that it was probably a dive and that their player could easily have been carded himself.

The second half continued on in much the same way as the first. Lower Hutt's youthful strikers continued to attack the Stallions aging defence, but the cool heads at the back did enough to keep the scorers unoccupied.

The Stallions were causing a few problems of their own up front with the Mann and 'The Giant' wrecking havoc down the wings. Mann and R. Walker combined in the goal box well with Walker getting a shot away that was well saved by the keeper, only for The Giant to blaze over. Mann was heard commenting "And that one was meant to be a pass", an apparent reference to his 'assist' from the previous weekend.

It was not long of a wait however until that moment of brilliance. The man at the centre of it was Wong, but it was oh so right (sorry, couldn't resist). Wong's goals were like twins - both from a corner from the right, both outswingers, both met by Wong in roughly the same place - although they were far from identical. While first one gets considered the 'nice guy friend' by his female peers, the second has movie star good looks. This goal is so awesome, Ben Hodges' goals wear pyjamas with its' image on them.

This time the Mann delivered the corner which drifted to Wong who was standing near the top of the box. While most would have taken an almighty swing and sent the ball back towards their own goal, Wong timed the flight of the ball to perfection with his volley rocketing into the back of the net. While 005 has tried reinacting this goal on the Playstation, I'll leave it to Zizu to best describe it. Just imagine it came from a corner and was hit with his right foot and it's more or less identical. Stallions 2-0

With 15 to go Lower Hutt managed to pull one back with a surging run by one of their midfielders through the centre of the park before unleashing a powerful shot from just outside the box that Bell managed to get a hand on but could not keep it out of the net. 2-1.

With 5 minutes to go it looked like Lower Hutt had done enough to get some points as another run down opened up the Stallions defence, the ball was crossed in and Hinkly, who had done well to get back into the box, could not get his hand out of the way quick enough (a problem he struggled with throughout the game). The Butcher could not ignore the shouts of handball and awarded a penalty. The man to step up to take the spot kick was Lower Hutt's regular keeper who had been given a licence to play in the outfield for the game. His moment of glory was finally upon him as he was given the chance to score his first goal, although he struck the ball so poorly that even Goodall and Aitofi cringed. The ball bounced so many times before it reached Bell that Bell almost lost his balance and fell over it. The Butcher couldn't believe it either and almost called "No ball!" before realising his surroundings. Lower Hutt players were heard saying "and that's why he's keeper" although one couldn't help but feel that's why he shouldn't be keeper.

The rest of the game progressed as usual with a few scary moments in the Stallions defensive quarter, but the scorers were not to be troubled again, with the final whistle going with the scores at 2-1. Bell in goal and Wong in the outfield were the undoubted heroes of the game, with Wong's moment of brilliance possibly going down as one of the greatest goals in Stallions history.

And so that it is for the Stallions 2010 vintage. The 10th year in their history will see them back in division 6 where it all started, with off season training starting up in a few weeks in the form of 5-a-side. 2011 cant come soon enough.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Replay - Spencer's stunner

Its taken me all day to get this done, but imitating Spencer's goal on Fifa09, copying it, posting to youtube, is all such an ordeal - would have been easier just do it next week on the park.

Anyway, here is the closest take:

Already by popular demand its up on the goal of the season poll - sadly it forced my own entry out.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

A giant-like performance (with long shorts)

Right, in absence of a match report, you will have to read Elite's here - including description of our 'giant' striker who scored the first goal with his shoulder. Giant? I think not.

Some funny shit did happen in that last game:
- Graham (feeling striker-like) ordering poor Spencer to go get the ball for a throw in. Just pointed and yelled, while blowing harder than the normal stallion.
- Tangihaere surging forward with a classic 'REFEREE!' Elite players just laughed, and one said 'Referee, I'm a diver!'
- After the final whistle Graham turning around and yelling 'Ref' thinking he was penalised.
- Rauru's little push and shove. How many times have we seen that this season, are we ever going to see anything more?
- Paddy constantly blaming the bobbling ground for his crap shots.
- Paddy runs to the wrong side to deliver a corner

Ok, Fantasy points:
Paul 3 (+60, +3 saves)
Joe 3 (+60, 1 bp)
Lloyd 10 (+60, 1 assist, 1 mf goal)
Paddy 5
Robin 12 (+60, 2 goals, 2mvps)
Graham 9 (+60, 1 assist, 3mvps)

Everyone else 2

Paddy 77
Rauru 60
Panda 56
Lloyd 55
Robin 50

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Pre-Fantasy points

Don't want to interject before the match report, but great game on Saturday Stallions - that first half was one of our best all round team performances for a while.

A little stuck on Fantasy points though:
Goal 1 - Robin's shoulder, Paddy assist?
Goal 2 - Lloyd, assist?
Goal 3 - Robin, assist?
G Mann got one of those assists (can't remember which one - but do recall it being Aaron-like in its dodginess), who got the other?

There were also some damn funny moments, which we will save until after the match report to see if they feature in there. The car decided the following points (but admittedly many Stallions could have claimed mvp points:
3 - G Mann - big first half in defence, big second half on attack
2 - Robin - 2 goals, again playing that wide role well
1 - Joe - great all round game.

Stallion - hmm forget, someone help out?
Pony - Rauru, missed open goal, denied my season defining, nae-career defining, assist. F**ker.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Nick G, classy as ever

'Steve, or any other Olympic lads, how's the boy who got his teeth smashed?  I was the other player and have just got back from the hospital with 7 staples in my head.  The doc pulled out about 8 small bits of teeth from my wound!'

Friday, August 20, 2010

Tomorows game - in the trenches

No transfer, but even worse the game before us is still going ahead too. Prepare for the worst, but lets still kill these mfers.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Just a heads up that the EoY function for the club is set for Saturday 4th September. We're probably still going to be playing that weekend, so there's no real excuse not to turn up. We'll have a team function as well in a few weeks time (lawn bowls or paintball are the two options being put forward) so we'll have to have a think about that too. Suggestions and possible dates welcome. I suggest Sat 11th Sept for something during the day followed by the Nix at the Stadium vs Sydney.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Capital Football are just cruel...

Why Nairnville #2 again it's rooted well and truly, we made sure of it the last time we played.

Anyway they can't spell check either ...


University 4th XI Vs SV Killer Bees @ Nairnville 1 (2.30);
Marist Cobras Vs Uni Raiders @ Kelburn (12.30);
Uni Stallions Vs Wgtn United Elite @ Nairnville 2 (2.30);
Nth Wgtn Varsity Vs Lower Hutt City @ Newlands (12.30);

Saturday, August 14, 2010


The following grades are cancelled:-
Capital 1 - 16 (including Cap 1 games at Te Whaea & all Masters divisions.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Fantasy Points vs Nth Wellington

Stallion: Logan
Pony: Aaron
3 - Paddy
2 - Corey
1 - Robin

Fantasy points:

Paul 1 (+60, -2 4 goals conceded, 1 +3 saves)
Tangi 0 (+60, -2, 4 goals conceded)
Jason 0
Mike 0
Spencer 2
Corey 4 (+60, 2mvp)
Aaron 7 (+60, 1 midfield goal)
Nick 2
Paddy 11 (+60, 2 assists, 3mvps)
Robin 7 (+60, forward goal, 1mvp)
Rauru  5 (+60, 1 assist)
Gus 7 (+60, 1 mf goal)

Paddy leading the charge well and truly now (as one would expect), but a bit of a closer race for the following positions. So an extended leaderboard (all players with 35 points or more):
Paddy 72
Rauru 58
Panda 54
Lloyd 45
Aaron 45
Tristin 42
Robin 38
Logan 35

No defenders, which clearly points to the weakness of the system that we are all aware of. Out of interest, before Paddy is exalted too much on a per game basis he earns 6.54 points, whereas Logan has got 7.0. Best player by far!

Right bring on Elite on Saturday - who managed to concede more goals than us last Saturday! Prepare to feel our blacklash!

Slipped one past the keeper

Like Hodges at his best, he managed to slip this comment past us without much fuss or anyone noticing...much like his goals really. It was one of the comments that came from the July 17th post and I was only allerted to it from a Facebook comment that he posted on my page in response to our promotion announcement.

"If i was to be positive i'd say well done on your position going into the last round. If i was to be negative i'd say being second in the league having non wins outweigh wins is a f*cken joke.

Yes inexplicable that you guys should be doing so well without me. All i can think of is that without me the opposition have been more relaxed - too relaxed and have not realised that whilst i was an outstanding talent the rest of the stallions were potentially Division sixers.

Good luck for the weekend i predict a dramatic 3-2 loss after leading 2 nil at half time.

Our season started later than yours so i'll be playing not watching this weekend. Plenty of space on the sidelines of Weka Park for anyone to come up in the next few weeks and watch..."

When you say there's plenty of space on the sidelines, you dont happen to mean your left hand sideline do you? There always seemed to be quite a bit of space at Nairnville too... ;)

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

EPL Fantasy

Talking of fantasy points, with the EPL starting this weekend, a few more Stallions should get amongst our team league. As the reigning champion I invite all comers - I hear that Paddy is supposed to be great at this sort of thing, but I've also heard he can score goals.

This is a lot of fun. Join up here. Once you have entered your team join the Stallions league.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Definitely one of those games to forget ...

Well, halves to forget - that first half was pretty damn spectacular.

Following on from the email, we need some nominations for the weekly awards/mvps. Its a tough one, so suggestions needed! Here's my thoughts:

Gus's remarkable reverse header goal - pretty damn impressive, shouldn't have happened, gave us the early advantage.
Anything else?

Hmmm - anything?
- Perhaps my poacher's goal could sneak in - but I wasn't sure it was going over the line - honest!
- There was that great moment when all 22 players and the ref were yelling at Mike to get the ball from the next game, but he was hovering on the edge refusing to go on, even though the action was on the otherside of the field. Then we he finally did it one of the Nth Wellington players yelled 'Switch!'. Pretty funny, and the joke was on Mike.
- Didn't Tangihaere slip over but somehow the ball still managed to bounce off his head. That was also funny - but could be genius I don't know.
- Corey's handbags at dawn?

Paddy had a huge first half, at the heart of everything we did. I also reckon Corey and Jason did well especially in that first half with the extra demands of only playing 3 at the back.
And Robin - played the wide role well in that first half, giving us those backpost runs we have lacked - scored off one of them, and was continually stretching their D.
Other suggestions? Would be great to hear from those who ain't usually at our sessions and able to contribute to the voting. Email to me if thats easier.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Worst pen ever

For your Friday viewing pleasure ...

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Uni Stallions 2 Vs SV Killer Bees1

We're going up!

istory was created in Saturday's Match of the Day, as a comeback victory over Stokes Valley secured Div 6 football next season for the Uni Stallions. The first half was an old fashion arm wrestle with the pesky Killer Bees punching well above their weight. Both teams created decent chances in the first half with only a magnificent clearing header on his own goaline by Lister, keeping the scores level.

0-0 HT

A second intercepted pass in sucessive games from Aitofi at the back let Stokes Valley steal the opener in the 58th minute. Stallions fans began to fear the worst and could see the Sunday paper headlines "Stallions stung by Bees", "Stallions drown in honey", "Buzz off Aitofi" etc...however this season's surprise package again demonstrated the composure they had shown all season after going down 1-0.

The Stallions rallied well and pegged one back 10mins later through Pandinho,who toed in from close range. Centreback T. Walker scored his first goal since 'Italia '90' on the Sega Master System, with a blasted finish on 80mins to seal victory.
The promtion dream now a reality for a club which began humbly with one man kicking a sock down a dorm hallway - A remarkable acheivement for a group of old state and public sector workers who don't care enough to train, but are instead driven by a love of the game...and beer.

Attendance: 5

Great Knock-Out Cup Draw

Uni 4th XI v Marist Cobras @ Nairnville 1 (2.30)
Uni Raiders v SV Killer Bees @ Nairnville 2 (12.30)
Uni Stallions v Nth Wgtn Varsity @ Nairnville 2 (2.30)
Lower Hutt City v Wgtn United Elite @ Fraser 2 (2.30)

Best of luck guys!

Names on Stallions replica shirts

Interesting article here on names requested to be printed on EPL shirts (I'm not researching Fantasy Football honest). Wonder what the Stallions list would look like - I only see one really this season, and it would be a goodie - PANDA or perhaps even Tyrone emblazoned above the no.16.

Don't worry Tristin, if theres room for Owen on this list, I'm sure you would scrape into the Stallions one.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Heard on the sidelines #126, or 'NUTSED'

Now, its never fun seeing someone gets hit in this way, BUT, it is funny that before the game Lloyd commented: 'Its one of those days you don't want to get hit flush on the thigh, or elsewhere ...'

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Fantasy Points vs Killer Bees

Photo: Paddy powers another shot into the Killer Bees goal, surrounded by a rainbow of fantasy points.

Brilliant effort Stallions, points/awards end up like this:

Stallion: Aaron (headed clearance from the goal line - yep, this award sure makes up for the concussion)
Pony: Jason (Second game in a row gets caught out playing the beautiful game from the back)

3 - Paddy, huge game, especially up front in the second half which turned the game our way. Great hustle, perfect runs, but some of those shots were truly pathetic.
2 - Tangihaere - followed up last performance with another barnstorming game, scored the winner (its been a while between drinks here huh Tangihaere? When did you last score?)
1 - Panda, dominated up front in that second half, great goal, bonus points for charging onto the field as a sub when there was the sniff of a melee.

Fantasy points:
Paul 3 (+60, +3 saves)
Tangihaere 10 (+60, defenders goal, 2 mvps)
Aaron 5 (+60, 1 assist)
Paddy 8 (+60, 1 assist, 3 mvps)
Panda 7 (+60, 1 forwards goal, 1 mvp)
Everyone else, the big 2

Paddy's opening up a bit of a gap on the old leaderboard:
Paddy 61
Panda 54
Rauru 53