Friday, September 19, 2008

Prize Giving TOMORROW

Just a casual reminder about prize giving tomorrow night. Kicks off from 6pm and best to get there early to make sure we get a good spot.

As mentioned there will be free food and bar tabs as well as an entertaining speech from yours truly and actual prizes for Stallion of the Year, Player of the Year and Pony of the Year. Make sure you're there or else no prize for you.

You don't have to be out for a big one. I'll probably be there till 9 then I've got to head off so it's only 3 hours of your time and let's be honest, all you'll be doing is watching the rugby in that time anyway - Yes I know that's a separate issue for those wanting to watch the Shield Challenge, but I'm sure the club is aware of that and the speeches should be over by 8 when I'm sure they'll put the rugby on.

Can everyone please reply to let me know their availability, whether you're coming or not.

And most importantly - who has got the Stallion and Pony?

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

End Communication ....

Images: Nick G and Panda show the Hockey women how to dance at the end of season celebrations.

Season done, promotion achieved, blog closed - 185 posts, 5,687 visits, 8 awards - good work Stallions. Unless Greg manages to blow this up over summer, will see you here again start of next season.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Player Assessment - Ben H

After the dizzy heights of 2007 where the holy trinity of leading MVP point getter, top goal scorer, and Stallion of the Year were secured, Hodges was always likely to struggle to live up to expectations in 2008. Despite this, he turned in another typically whole hearted season, befitting his status as (I believe) the longest serving Stallion.

Ben started the season upfront before being relegated to the midfield by the emerging telepathic partnership of Tristin and Gus. In the middle of the park he formed a mildly promisisng "little and large" partnership with Paddy, which unfortunately promised more than it delivered - at least in terms of goals, with Paddy failing to net, and Hodges scoring 3. One was particulary memorable however when Ben cut in from the left and using his bad (having seen his left foot his right foot has to be truly awful to be called bad) right foot stuck the ball in the corner of the net from the top of the area. A great goal, somewhat ruined by Ben's insistence of talking about it ever since.

Low point of Ben's season was undoubtedly the pathetic attempt to win a penalty against the Sealords when he collapsed to the ground claiming a ruptured spleen from a knee to the back, despite there being no other player within 5 yards of him. As Paddy knows only too well a dive has to be pretty bad for even your own team mates to laugh at you...

Overall another solid season from Ben. He played in every position except 'keeper or fullback and only really looked uncomfortable at centre back (which may well have had something to do with the conditions at Grenada North). Only one game missed due to a wedding, he once again supplied Steve as a ref which after Jason's 1 minute cameo against Petone can never be undervalued. Overall rating 7 (without supplying Steve it would have been 6.5).

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Player Assessment - Paddy

Photo: Paddy teaching the lads how its done.

Photo: Paddy's nuts goes wrong

So, a few weeks back i had this idea of players completing anonymous assessments of other Stallions, judging their season and marking them out of ten. I lost enthusiasm, didn't chase up, can't remember who i contacted as part of the pilot scheme and had forgotten about it - until a response dropped into my inbox this afternoon. And its good. So could be fun - if anyone is keen to have a go at a random Stallion please go ahead and send it my way. The assessment can be funny, take the piss, do whatever you want it to do. It can be much shorter than this. should be fun and quick.

So first and possibly last up is Paddy:

Paddy started the season where he left off last year - as the solid all rounder who we tried to base everything around. He went about his business, never really producing the spectacular though he certainly showed his determination in trying to lift the Stallions up to his lofty heights.
This culminated in the match against Terrace at Melrose, about midway through the season, when he had to slot in at CB for a late arriving captain.

It is probably pertinent to note here that this was in the middle of Euro 2008 when the Netherlands, Spain and Russia were working their delightful magic.

Anyway, within 5 minutes Paddy had the Stallions playing it out from the back, teasing strikers and offloading to our fullbacks who usually wouldn't bother with more than one touch in our own half (with good reason). But now they were one touching and giving and going, just as directed by their energetic, supportive 'new' centre back.

That performance would turn out to be Paddy's crippled leg though, holding him back as now the cap' had now seen his defence could survive without him (in fact better than with him), he took the chance to take Paddy's spot in the midfield. Paddy was ever the good guy and never complained, until the subject of who hadn't scored a goal throughout the season came up.

Paddy may have had a leg to stand on (crippled or not) had he not, just one week earlier, produced a performance in front of goal that Michael Ferrante would've been proud of. 7 slices/hacks/miss-cues/shanks (and $7+ of fines) later and he was trying to rein himself in to ensure young Jack will in fact go to University one day.

No one objected. Suffice to say Paddy is the creative, distributor type of player not so much the lightning bolt from 30 yard type! (And no I don't mean like you Aaron) Paddy's set pieces always promised plenty and if only we had someone other than Hodges who could actually attackingly head the ball we would've netted plenty of goals from Paddy's free kicks and corners.

Concerns? Some pathetic theatrical diving (no doubt to try and get himself a well positioned free kick) and his obsession with 'nuts' calling into question his sexuality...

Rating - 7. Typical gutsy performance, injury free and committed (both on and off the field). But without a goal and plenty of opportunities it's hard to get any higher. Maybe season 3 will be a charm aye Paddy?

A new low in key word searches leading to the blog ...

'drinking piss from a Stallion'

Jules ...

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Anon says ...

From an anonymous member of the blogging community:

' I really enjoy the stallions' stories. It's almost as good as radio sport'.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Fines vs Olympic, Final Fines

Final fines, topped at $70, refund for Hodges, randoms dropped off the bottom. Make sure you bring fines along on Saturday.

Best fines vs Olympic:

- Graham - Multiple post pass calls: 'Who's wide?', 'Robin', 'Gus, oh Joe'.
- Mike B - ' I was never nutsed'.
- Mike B - Multiple nutsed.
- Mike B - Living in a fantasy world.
- Panda - Tough league player bullied by kids.
- Spencer - The pinched nerve.
- Joe - Tackling own team.
- Robin - those long underpants - uniform special.
- Paddy - Clearing Gus's oggie off the line.

Fines include those pinged for no goals all season.

More tables

Final end of season awards ... Well done Tristin and Paddy for cleaning up with MVPs, and especially Ben B - 3 Stallion performances. A few obvious irregularities - people who really should have more points than they were awarded. Good effort from Nick W considering the number of games he played.

Final fines to follow ...


For those people wondering how many games they did in fact play, here are the facts.

So amazingly I was the only one to play every match. Aaron and Ben were away for one and Jason kindly sat out once for the team.

Pretty good commitment all round really. Special mention goes to Nick W who payed full subs for only 7.5 games (More than you thought aye?). And Jamie, who I did refund some money, but he only played 4 bit part games. What a horror season for you mate.

Graham also was fairly low in the games played stakes, racking up only 9 appearances and on closer inspection he only once played 3 in a row. I'm not picking on you G, just pointing out the facts.

Late recruits Panda and Mike got alright value with 7 and 8 games respectively. Again, more than you thought aye Panda?

And our resident walking injury Corey actually managed 10 appearances, although how long those appearances were is another question.

On the goals side of things, Tristin finishes with an impressive one goal per game strike rate, while Gus finished with a respectable goal every 1.375 matches.

Last years golden boot Ben H, finished with only the 3 goals, but I'm sure he'll tell you he made up for it in assists.

Speaking of assists, I have a very unofficial incomplete tally (mostly only recorded what I could remember - so often just my own;)), but in case you were wondering this is how I have it:
Me 4,
Tristin, Rob, Gus 2
Hodges, Corey, Paddy 1

Now there's something to get you all fired up...

Outdoor Bowls End of Season

I have been holding off sending this email, hoping that we had another game this week. But I've been frequently checking the Cap Football site and it still has the old draw up. So we'll just have to be satisfied with an ultra competitive game of Outdoor bowls to satisfy our frustrations from what was an absolutely woeful performance on Saturday. Gus stretches out, while Aaron polishes his bowls

So it's all on this weekend, unfortunately a few of the boys can't make it, but as I said we were never going to get a weekend where everyone was available so I figured the earlier the better. Thanks Corey, Nick W, and Graham for being good cnuts and understanding. We'll be sure to drink your share of alcohol.

If anyone else suddenly can't come let me know as soon as possible so I can make a decision whether to postpone. Late withdrawels will not be tollerated, with punishment most likely being a visit to your house once bowls is finished.

The Mt Vic Bowling Club's green is unfortunately not ready so I have booked us in at The Park Bowling Club in Kilbirnie as they have an artificial surface. The only thing you need is flat soled shoes and your fine money. It costs $10 a head and they provide the bowls but that'll be covered by the fine money. 2pm bowl off.

Once we are finished drinking the cheap piss at the bowls club we will get a couple of taxi vans into town to repay the Bull and Bear's generosity. Anyone needing to get back to the Whanau can do so at this point.

Here is a map of where the bowls club is but it shouldn't be too hard to find, opposite the big Kilbirnie Park, I think it's close to the aquatic centre.

I'm not sure what the weather is supposed to do but hopefully it holds out. Otherwise we will still go ahead and it might just be indoor bowls, darts, and pool (surely they'll have all that) plus drinking cheap piss as we would anyway.

I am happy to offer a ride from town for anyone that was planing on it being at Mt Vic and are unsure how they're going to get to Kilbirnie. Let me know and we'll figure out a meeting place.

See you on Saturday.

Monday, September 1, 2008

A Challenge Laid Down?

From YF:

Yes somewhat regrettably we wont agree to a challenge, the Sealords firmly believe they are a side deserving of promotion into Capital 6 - albeit if we are the best or 2nd best in the league. And also just remember on H&A result we beat Magpies 4-1 on GD - and in fact I don't think there is a team that beats us on H&A result (correct me if I am wrong)
On paper and by results the Sealords and Magpies should be promoted, i would love to see Uni offer to have a final against the Magpies to decide promotion - however that probably wont happen will it??
To the magpies - if you would like a friendly this Saturday to fill in the empty spaces that the next month without Saturday sport will bring, please let me know.
Anyway to the rest of the league the Sealords would like to say congrats to everyone for a great season despite the weather...Big%20smile

Guess Who?

Greg, this is a forward defensive - its not that hard!

As Corey said, good luck to the cricket stallions as they embark on another season - but without IPL-bound Robin.

Be good if you cricketers kept up the blogging up, and we can inherit it off you again come winter. Our London correspondent can keep us updated on those mutant Northern hemisphere stallions, the 5 aside soccer team can chip in every now again (posts will go something like: 'Today Corey got injured', then 'today, Corey got injured', the next week - 'Oh yeah, Corey got injured'.)

So who will it be? Greg and G-Man, looking at you ...